What do you think of those who say the mark of the beast will be the covid vaccine?

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I’d tell them to make up their minds. Is the mark of the beast a microchip that handles all your financial transactions, is it the COVID vaccine, is it a tattoo? Make up your mind, because it can’t be all of them.
Theories do not matter. There are some Catholics (and many others) who are certifiably insane. Others just plain old kooky. Some see a conspiracy in the dust beneath their bed.

I have had all of the above symptoms and many more - from the twenty (20) different chemotherapy and biological anti-neoplastic drugs that I have received over 12 years. So, what are we to make of this?

I am alive and happy to be so. If this is how the evil one impresses his mark upon you, he is woefully inept at it. I am praising God more than before!

Now is the time to listen to God and not “someone” on the internet.
First, I read the comments but didn’t watch the video. Are we certain this is a Catholic Priest and if so why has he not been reported to a Bishop or superior? In the US there is no force on anyone to do most things. So, when the vaccine comes out, which may take two years, I’ll be sure to get it. This is because I live with old parents and I don’t want to infect them and I don’t fear vaccines.

Again, to me it’s sad and concerning what is online sometimes. I have a lot of time on my hands but I don’t go down rabbit holes of the internet. I hope if I make it to old age, younger legislators will look into regulation of the web. As for do I fear end times? There was a period I was concerned but then after much contemplation I came to the conclusion that it’s not end times going on but a particularly rough spot in American history.

Again the greatest generation went through the Depression and World War, thhe Boomers went through Korea, Vietnam, hyperinflation. If you are under fifty in America chances are you’ve had it good. So, this current challenge of the economy is our generations challenge.
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Pardon my ignorance, but how is it against Catholic teaching? I was under the impression that we don’t know what the mark of the beast will be, but that we will know it when it arrives.
Catholic Answers - an apologist for the site, not someone from the forum - has explained what the Mark of the Beast refers to; namely, the coins of the Roman Empire.
The idea that people here on earth will be getting a forced “mark” near the time of the Last Judgment is Protestant teaching, not the teaching of the Church.

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There are several theories from Catholics who think the vaccine for covid will be the mark of the beast especially if it becomes mandatory. On one video someone commented that the microchip will be “hidden” in the vaccine and when I said I thought the mark of the beast could not be hidden in a such a way i got attacked.

This priest seems to think that covid is a chastisement and the coming vaccine is the mark of the beast at least most of the commenters on his videos do too. I was praying for a vaccine now I’m not so sure…
Oh my! :roll_eyes:
Also, something I want to add is that as Catholics I don’t see ourselves as end times people. If I remember correctly there is only one day out of the whole year we read a passage out of revelations. I think that day is All Saints day, but I may be wrong.

But I suffer from mental illness, so having faced insanity and seeing the other side of it with therapy, medication, the help of God, and the Rosary I am highly aware there is a lot of mental illness in America. I have to be sharp as a tac because of my illness, but I do believe one of the struggles of the under fifty crowd is mental illness. I do believe I can write without sounding dramatic that America is in a new Economic Era, that will only create more anxiety, depression and their consequences addiction. My point being, that if you feel concerned or even afraid right now, you certainly are not alone.

Again, part of the problem is the media doesn’t acknowledge our problems respectfully. So, nothing on tv reflects what a sizable portion of America is going through. This makes the problem worse because then you feel that only you are going through this, but no, right now 20% of the nation is unemployed and even when they were employed their jobs were never secure or lucrative. Again, because the media sugar coats our problems, or sensationalizes our problems or politicizes our problems when they can’t do any of the three they ignore our problems people look for answers on the internet. Well, most of the time that is a bad move.
I am highly aware there is a lot of mental illness in America. I have to be sharp as a tac because of my illness, but I do believe one of the struggles of the under fifty crowd is mental illness.
100% agree with you on this - there already is a lot of mental health issues out there in younger people we are seeing this in the UK also.
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I think conspiracy theories in general are for the ignorant
I don’t think the conspiracy theorists and doomsday analysts are necessarily dumb. Some are, but I think it’s more common that is the romantic/daydreamer type.

Let’s face it, 99.999% of us are normal people with normal jobs and normal lives. The vast majority of people will not experience the “end times” or be at the center of events with historical significance. For a certain personality type, that’s hard to accept. They need to imagine themselves at the center of a sweeping epic story. They need to the protagonist in a thriller. So they’re drawn to these theories where they get to be one of a small number of people who really “get it” while the rest of humanity trudges along blindly. They need the thrill and the romance and the danger, even if it’s all in their head/YouTube videos.
Conspiracy theories have been around since forever. I say do not listen to them.
There are so many anti-vaxers I think the idea lacks imagination. The “mark” would be something shiny, needed, invaluable, trendy.
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“You NEED a Thneed!”
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I don’t know why anyone’s wasting their time on this nonsense. Not only is it nonsense, it’s dangerous too.
It is not possible to take the Mark of the Beast in ignorance. Those who do so will be openly declaring their allegiance to the Antichrist. The original Greek uses the word “charagma,” which means a tattoo or brand, something clearly visible on the person’s skin, identifying him with the name of the Beast or the number of his name. Like the great persecution of Rome, where the people were required under pain of imprisonment or death to sacrifice to the gods of Rome and obtain libelli attesting to this fact, the False Prophet will require all people to worship the Antichrist and attest to this by receiving the Mark of the Beast under pain of death. If we take Revelation at face value, as I believe we should, no one who accepts the Mark of the Beast will repent, even if they only received the Mark out of fear.
But is there something dogmatic saying that people won’t be forced to receive a mark? I have seen videos from multiple Catholic apologists saying that people may be forced to take a mark, but we don’t know for sure.
We can form hypothesis about the mark of the beast, at the end of the day we dont really know its form. There is a chain of events related to it with an end result the earth has not experienced yet.
Scripture says the antichrist will fool a lot of the pious, but not that the mark of the beast will fool people. I believe its going to be pretty obvious once it rears its ugly head.

It is good and proper to think about and ponder anything in scripture. It is not wrong asking a question like ’ is a mandatory medication or vaccine related to the mark of the beast’

We are called to be as shrewd as a serpent. The Biblical peoples would have understood this completely given since the beginning of Scripture and before so in the ancient world, the serpent equated to shrewd clever and cunning, depending on reading.
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Two days: All Saints Day and the Assumption of Mary. Of course, this is only referring to Holy Days of Obligation which occur every year (Revelation is also read on Sundays in Paschaltide in Year C, as well as weekdays of the 33rd and 34th Weeks of Ordinary Time in even-numbered years).
We don’t have to prove that people won’t receive a mark. The Church does not teach that people have to receive a mark before the end of the world. The Church has not interpreted the Scripture that way. You’re claiming the Church needs a dogma to disprove something it never taught, something that the Protestants actually invented.

The Church teaches that those who worship the beast will not be saved. That’s pretty easy given that the beast is obviously evil; those who worship evil will not be saved. The Church does not teach that those who do are all getting a mark.
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