What do you think of those who say the mark of the beast will be the covid vaccine?

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Government and businesses can tell where you go and what you do now becasue of cell phones, and to some extent you can’t “work without them”, since many are “on call” all the time by their employers.

So in a way, there doesn’t even need to be a chip injected into your arm. But are any of those things the “mark of the beast”. Maybe, but I am inclined to doubt it.
So off to Canada in the event of a draft? Not disagreeing, just looking for a consistent argument.
I think conspiracy theories in general are for the ignorant. But this is dangerous. People could die. Do want that on your conscience?
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The idea the founders had was that freedom required citizens - both those in power and the governed - to constantly look for ways to willingly subordinate their rights in favor of those with less power or capability. In the case of abortions, we would expect the mother to subordinate the freedom she exhibits over her body - both physically and economically - in favor of the unborn child. This argument obviously fails on its face in reverse, as the fetus is helpless.

Vaccines are an order of magnitude (at least) less controversial as they aid both those who unable to help themselves (those who can’t take vaccines or are otherwise at higher risk for the focus disease) as well as the person actually being vaccinated.

But apart from the social arguments, look at the biblical ones. From no less than St. Paul in Romans 13:

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.”

Of course there are times where this isn’t possible - 1930’s Germany, 1970’s Cambodia come to mind - but I think that mandated vaccines (and drafts) are in a different league.
Oh goodness. Every time there is a thread on vaccines, eventually, it gets to the point where someone thinks it’s okay to offend people like me (if y’all don’t know what I mean, welcome to CAF). Just give this stuff a rest. Also, I just read Revelation 13 in its entirety (it isn’t very long), I am pretty sure this vaccine is NOT the mark of the beast. Bishops voluntary closing churches isn’t making war with the saints (Revelation 13:7). I haven’t watched the video, and full disclosure, I’m not going to. I get really tired of stuff like this. Again, I’m not against some conspiracies being true (I have a lot interest in the JFK assassination, for instance), but I think this is the height of eisegesis, reading things in the text that aren’t there to make it fit your theology or your particular generation. Instead, we need , we need exegesis, to see what the original writer intended. Is there any evidence the original writer intended to talk about vaccines? If that were the case, wouldn’t we at least see a poetic description of needles or something? If it’s not there, it’s because we are reading into it what we want it to say, not what it actually says.
There were a whole bunch of young men who sincerely believed that the war in Vietnam was unnecessary at best, and immoral and illegal at worst, and yet they went there and fought and died. They did this because they understood that anybody can do what the government asks when we agree - it takes a true patriot to do what the government asks in spite of our disagreement (see Sergeant York, and Desmond Doss as examples).

And this is the nature of Paul’s argument in Romans 13. He wrote those words just as the persecution of Christians was beginning to heat up dramatically in Rome and across the empire. He advocated submission IN SPITE OF his disagreement. He did this because as Christians we are to do all things in humility and love. We are to put ourselves last. We are to take care of those who can’t take care of themselves.

In my opinion, if you had to pick a small way in which to subordinate your personal views and comply with Paul’s exhortation in Romans 13, getting vaccinated (for anything) is a pretty good way to go - federally mandated or not.
(I know. I’m struggling to keep up the energy on this one. Frankly, sparring with you is a great way to pass the time whilst sitting around in my pajamas contemplating how long I’ll procrastinate starting my power washing chores around the house. We seriously need sports on TV again. In fact, if you reply one more time to this thread, I’m tapping out. Please respond one more time. Then I can go and start power washing.)
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Bless you.

You win. I’m joining your campaign. Down with the Vax! Hail the AntiVaxinator!

I’m bouta dominate some power washing!
I don’t think it’s going to be the mark of the beast. First of all the beast must be revealed then the mark.
Is this a serious video and book? Because linking cancer in baby boomers to monkeys, the unsolved murder of a doctor, and Lee Harvey Oswald is like something out of a bad B movie.
I have never heard of a vaccine being administered by way of forehead injections.
Botox-vid 🙂

I think that the fact that face recognition scanners could be used in conjunction with microchips as “forehead”
I think conspiracy theories in general are for the ignorant.
Anthony Julius, in his book Trials of the Diaspora, said “Antisemitism is the sophistication of the ignorant.” I’d say that applies to conspiracy theories in general.
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I don’t think all conspiracy theories can be dismissed so easily. Part of that mindset goes back to Richard Hofstadter who had an ideological reason to dismiss talk of conspiracy.
In some weird sense I envy you, being able to sit around in your pajamas. 😜 I have to shut down my personal computer because it is SOOOO tempting to come and debate, and I get irritated because I cannot spend the amount of time I would like because I have to do my day job. But I realize I’m extremely lucky to have a job. So well, there’s that! 🤔

As you can see, the temptation gets to me way too often during the day, which is why I stay stuck in my office for way too long… ugh
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