What does CAF think of Fr Ripperger?

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Yeah. Of course a lot of so called faithful Catholics do not like Fr. Chad, because he calls out things they are attached to, and so they become defensive and call him rigid and other negative names. They simply dislike tradition leaning Catholics.
Been listening to alot of Fr Rippenger via YouTube recently, I like him and find his talks very informative.
And some “so-called faithful Catholics” are attached to things like jobs. Which Fr. Chad says is a sin for married women unless they have a “grave reason” to work outside the home.

He’s not always in line with Catholic teaching.
Ugh. Well, I can say right now there’s no point me listening to his work. Sounds like a real piece of work… pardon the pun.
I found his talks informative, but at least for me personally, I don’t want to focus my spiritual life, however anemic it is, on demons, spiritual attacks, prophecies of doom and punishment and destruction etc.

Obviously we are to be cognizant of that as it says so even in Scripture, but I find the Little Flower’s way of offering up daily things as mortifications, for instance, more in tune with my lay vocation.

I’ll leave the heavy duty stuff to advanced people…
I’ve honestly never heard of him before, but I find people’s comments in the thread interesting. 🙂

Whenever it comes to Catholic media personalities, it seems there is inevitably some who think the person just “preaches the truth” while others point out things the person says that are ultimately just opinions on something the Church has no official position on.

Not that there is anything wrong with having opinions on those types of things (like Harry Potter). But I wouldn’t confuse those opinions for Truth.
I like him a lot. But he says things like you can’t practice NFP without a grave reason and that most people are practicing it and committing mortal sin because their reasons aren’t grave. And then the whole Harry Potter thing. And about music too. I sincerely don’t think the devil is gonna get me because I listen to rock music.
As a former Baptist, I have had enough fire and brimstone/hell is real sermons to last me a lifetime. I’m well informed on that issue.

What I need is a deeper understanding of the way of holiness. It’s just not Father’s focus. Even though I tend toward traditionalism, I’m not a fan of all the sniping he does at Catholics who disagree with his perspective.
But he says things like you can’t practice NFP without a grave reason and that most people are practicing it and committing mortal sin because their reasons aren’t grave.
Although I disagree that Harry Potter and rock music are evil, those comments wouldn’t really bother me. This, however, bothers me a great deal. To lay further guilt upon that minority of Catholics who are actually following Catholic teaching with regards to artificial contraception is a bit much.
I sometimes see a tendency that those who follow these sorts of priests blindly, dismiss the teachings of 99% of priests out there… there’s a dangerous “we are the only truly faithful Catholics” mindset sometimes.
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I’ve never listened to his stuff to be honest. My exposure to him has been mostly along the lines of people saying “Harry Potter is evil and leads to possesion!” which I disagree with. (The opinions of priests who say it’s a prudential judgement are what I agree with.) So because of that being my primary exposure, I take things with a grain of salt when people quote him.
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It is. I think what he’s taking issue with is that some may practice it not because they can’t afford another child or that another pregnancy may be dangerous for the woman, but because they just don’t want another child yet don’t want to not have sex. In other words, he has a problem with those abusing it.
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But it’s up to the couple to determine, not Fr. Chad.

He seems to have very hardline views on things that are left to the prudential judgment of others. For example, the Church does not teach that it’s a mortal sin for married women to work outside the home. They don’t need a grave reason for having a job.
I’m just answering why he may take issue with it. And the couple may decide it’s okay, but for the wrong reasons. Just because a couple decides it’s okay doesn’t mean it’s actually okay. NFP is a tool, and like all tools, it can be abused.
Those are not the only two permissible reasons to avoid pregnancy. Again, the couple can determine when there is just reason to do so, not Fr. Chad.

But I’m actually more concerned about his attitudes regarding married women working.
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Which Fr. Chad says is a sin for married women unless they have a “grave reason” to work outside the home.
If I hadn’t worked throughout my marriage, I’d be up the creek now that husband died and no paycheck coming in from him. You don’t just bop out after 20 years of not working and get a job that pays your bills in this society.
One needs to know when to call baloney on these guys. Or, as my mom used to say, God gave you a brain, use it.
His talks on Purgatory and Hell are okay.
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