What does CAF think of Fr Ripperger?

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I’m just answering why he may take issue with it. And the couple may decide it’s okay, but for the wrong reasons. Just because a couple decides it’s okay doesn’t mean it’s actually okay. NFP is a tool, and like all tools, it can be abused.
If this occurs, it’s a problem that tends to self-correct.
I just got done listening to a couple talks of his. One on exorcism, and one on how to raise boys to become men. I loved both of them. Then I find out out he might be FSSP or something. Which confuses me.

Otherwise, I like what I heard.
No no, it’s a common mistake! There are a lot of acronyms out there. 😛
Fr ripperger yes but only for grave reasons unless the couple is trying to conceive
Some of Fr.Ripperger speeches that apply Thomism and modern psychology are really good and certainly “advanced” beyond what you’d normally expect.
He is also an exorcist which is why he frequently talks about the devil.
Sensus Traditionis is Fr. Ripperger’s website. Sensus Fidelium is a youtube website that has many talks from many different Catholic priests but many are from Fr. Ripperger.
If I may offer a brief comment:
I’ve seen it myself. It breeds this kind of pride
Jesus walks along side each of us at the persons own rhythm [from a saint Martha homily by pope Francis]. The preacher might not really be to blame at times for giving an “straight to the subject” homily bypassing this aspect, that others use to think themselves superior. Knowledge and understanding are after all gifts of the Holy Spirit and thus a grace with only minor merit from our part.
yet it’s made clear that I am inferior for not being as ‘hardline’ as they are.
I dare say they are wrong on this (and perhaps this is a common temptation). Our Lord Jesus himself addressed it in Lukas18:9-14.
One day out of the blue she went on this rant about how Harry Potter
This has caused much needless division and I find it actually difficult to comment on. A neutral approach would start by mentioning that even within the church several spoke for and several against. Taken together most failed at addressing each others arguments directly. Considering the relative importance within church hierarchy those who pronounced themselves about HP being harmless far outweigh the others. (And I take it this has become “policy” in a way, perhaps in good reason.) And even outside the church we’ll find literary critics taking all kinds of positions.

My personal interpretation is that HP isn’t “core business” and thus being only “marginal” at best (or tangential, as a cultural/literary artifact) doesn’t warrant a moral position. We all have plenty of things to work on in our own spiritual lives.

God bless.
I have listened to him quite a bit and when he speaks of women working without a grave reason, he usually explains that a woman’s home and family come before her job, which is Catholic teaching.

Alot of women have to work today for financial reasons and that would be a grave reason.
Part of our being Christians is working on holiness and improving our interior self. Many saints have written on our interior self and that just happens to be where he focuses also.
I’m sure he has some helpful (name removed by moderator)ut on handling anxiety too…
So Sensus Fidelium is not Fr. Ripperger’s website. It is a youtube website that has talks from many different good Catholic priests.

Also, the Catholic sisters at my family’s Catholic high school warned the students about Harry Potter and to be cautious with reading the books.
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It is permitted but it is not permitted to be used in the same way as contraceptives, such as being used on an ongoing basis without any specific reason and that is what many couples do. They abuse NFP.

As Catholics, couples are to always be open to life.
Considering his credentials, experience, track record of adherence to traditional church teaching, and apparent holiness (although technically, we can’t judge this), I’d hesitate to disagree with him without a whole lot of thought. His opinions hold a lot of weight.
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