What does politics have to do with religion

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I always found it wrong to suggest Barack Obama could be the Antichrist
Do I have vote Republican or support Trump to be “good” Catholic? Must I align myself with the conservative Republican party?
I know what issues I care about. I believe global warming is real and serious issues. I’m against abortion. I’m for gun control. I’m against the death penalty.
Very similar to my own political opinions. I’m a Catholic and unapologetically vote for whomever I please.
You know it’s $500 fine if you don’t declare an Apple to the US Customs!
It seems to be a trend that Catholics are supposed to vote Republican and be antigun control
Internet Catholics are more likely to be super motivated so that’s they are here with bull horns.

I’m always been impressed by their failures than the successes of their dreams.

Successful lives don’t go here for the answers.
Maybe the connection is the issues involved in voting, and the legislation that gets passed. Abortion, how to treat immigrants from “across the border”; death penalty and use of guns; and of course “freedom of religion”.
These are moral issues also, and one’s faith has a lot to do with how to vote.
Why do majority of Catholics identify with the Republican party
i don’t think they do. they just didn’t have much of a choice. hillary would have been worse than obama on the religious front. she would have pushed the secularization of the nation across the finish line, especially with her supreme court picks.
Thanks for this. I’m tired of people acting like Donald Trump is only option and people glossing over his various flaws. I don’t think I dislike Donald Trump too much , it’s his supporters I don’t understand. Sure Donald Trump has done some good things let’s not pretend all his poor behavior is justifiable.
For me I wish any other candidate had got the nomination, but Hillary would have been worse.

I don’t like Trump as a person. I also don’t trust him. However, I do trust the people he has surrounded himself with and think they will hold him to his promises.

Also, one good thing I can say. From what I have seen I think he is making an effort to keep his promises. I don’t agree with everything he is trying to do, but I appreciate a candidate actually attempting to keep the promises that got them elected.
Thanks for this. I’m tired of people acting like Donald Trump is only option and people glossing over his various flaws. I don’t think I dislike Donald Trump too much , it’s his supporters I don’t understand. Sure Donald Trump has done some good things let’s not pretend all his poor behavior is justifiable.
There are many reasons that Trump voters have for supporting the President.

Perhaps the strongest and most common was and is his views on economic matters.

People vote with their wallets and pocketbooks. Hillary Clinton was viewed as being out of touch with the average person. Trump proposed ideas that kickstarted the economy. The economy is growing faster and companies are giving employees bonuses.

During the Obama Administration, the average family’s take-home pay drop by more than $4000. That is unheard of in American history.

You are young, so economic realities are things that are tangentially part of your life. When you have a husband and children, you will understand the importance of kitchen table issues a lot better.

People tend to overlook faults when their bank accounts are growing.
Oh, I’m pro-gun control. I control my gun. Period.

We already have gun control. It’s very restrictive as is, and requires an extraordinary amount of effort from those who carry to ensure they aren’t breaking laws.

The general points of the left’s view of gun control is based on disarming people so that they can’t defend themselves. There’s a reason that nearly all mass shootings happen in a gun free zone. There’s also a reason many people don’t know that many shootings outside of gun free zones that could have been a mass shooting was stopped by someone who was legally carrying a gun that wasn’t an on duty police officer.

Being pro-gun control, as the left views it, is irrational. It draws entirely on emotion, but the emotions don’t support the facts.
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That’s not true about us caring. His immature, sexual uncouthness is comparable to Bills. Why are Trumps sins, an issue for BILLS fans? I don’t know a lot of Holy Men. I’ve heard such talk around me. I’m not in the slums. They go to church. Confusing things in life.
We recognize that our government is being held hostage by a negative force. Smoothe politicians that sound dignified and truthful to your face and are caught in open mics saying interesting things.Old men & women who should retire. We have 800 bills WAITING TO BE SIGNED! Slow moving Congress to justify their jobs. Corruption behind the scenes. It’s coming out now w the corruption of FBI. The defining of the DEEP STATE.
We, who researched HRC & DJT, found sites that show the Clintons involved in bad stuff.
Also, we wanted to shake up WASHINGTON. We are in serious debt. We want a business man. TRUMP has been heard saying how worried he is for America and he thinks he has skill set to fix it. It’s only over first year. It takes time. I’m not fond of name calling.
I don’t mind tweets. He is spontaneous w/o a filter on his mouth. That means he doesn’t lie. His lying statements were embellishments. He follows the BUILD YOURSELF UP AND SAY POSITIVE THINGS philosophy.
He is doing things that are changing the world for the better. Thank God for him. 25 yrs w NOKO problems! Maybe?!! Keep praying. Tax cuts worked. DEMS the tax cuts worked!! CORP. are coming back, increasing jobs. Eventually, we’ll get border security w wall. If Congress gets off but, it needs to make an immigration bill that takes care of DACA & gives POTUS his improvements. No lottery! ENSURING DIRECT FAMILY ONLY IN CHAIN MIGRATION AND WALL. The Resistance botched that. That bill must be passed.
He’s doing so much good and you can’t see it for the hate. He defended Christians right to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!! He’s PROLIFE! Dems snuck in PP in Omnibus bill.
There has been no collusion or obstruction. No crime for impeachment. This anti-Trump stuff is hurting USA.
Pray for our President as God requires us.
In Christ’s Love
He’s doing so much good and you can’t see it for the h
Funny how anyone who disagrees with Trump is always labeled a “hater.” But no matter what vile things may be said about a Democratic president or candidate, that’s perfectly OK.
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