What does politics have to do with religion

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One can vote for any major party candidate or none. What is sinful is voting for someone because they are advocating a moral evil.
How is he somehow better? With half the things he’s accused of, how? His sexual harrassment of women or what he tweets about. He comes across as petty, brash and vengeful. I don’t see how his personal life and character reflect any Christian values.
trump may talk a bad game but the past admin and current dem platform is for:

pre-marital sex
condoms and birth control
the morning after pill on demand
gay marriage
government-funded abortion.
lgbt rights trump religious freedom
transgender bathrooms and showers
contraception mandate against faith-based groups like little sisters of the poor
appoint pro-abortion judges
no or limited school choice

hillary would have pushed the envelope on these issues.
This feels like an argument between which tastes better - dog poop or cat poop?

Neither Clinton nor Trump are ambassadors to Roman Catholic teaching. They both do a terrible, terrible job upholding the principles of our faith. Until more Catholics step up and run for office, which I admit the powers that be are making difficult, the status quo will remain as is.
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The American Solidarity Party is probably the only political party that closely mirrors Catholic values. Unfortunately they’re only a minor third party.
Please start listing Clinton’s crimes.

You must be aware of them.
Trump mail servers.

I’m not sure why you take robo read videos and rants by “deep state” types as some major proof of anything?

Either way, Hillary nor Obama are the President, we have a self-aggrandizing, insecure, bully, man baby with a plastic sense (whatever makes people love him) of convictions and morals currently in the white house.
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Can Trump supporters defend him without mentioning the Clintons? Can you defend him on his own merits?
Can Trump supporters defend him without mentioning the Clintons? Can you defend him on his own merits?
I already have. His administration has been good. For a president, that’s all that really matters. I don’t care about how good your speeches are if you increase taxes every year. He may have a horrible personality and be a horrible speaker, but his administration has done several positive things (e.g. reduce taxes for nearly all Americans)
Thank you for the civil reply. I disagree on this political issue, but I mean no disrespect to you personally. Civility: I wish there was more of it and less yelling.
I thought candidate were supposed to reflect our values. His personal life does very little to reflect that. I cannot imagine Barack Obama getting away with saying and doing half the crap president Trump does. He makes the white house look like a joke. What annoys me the most on how easily his supporters justify and dismiss his repeated offensive antics and immaturity.
Can Trump supporters defend him without mentioning the Clintons? Can you defend him on his own merits?
There is a reason that conservatives are pointing to Clinton.

It is because Barack Obama spent 8 years blaming George Bush for any and every fault real or perceived in the United States. Before Donald Trump took the oath of office, blaming the past administration for almost everything was a satisfactory answer for any question raised by the mainstream media.

For some reason, Republicans are not allowed to pass the buck for anything according to the MSM.
I cannot imagine Barack Obama getting away with saying and doing half the crap president Trump does.
obama worked against the moral fabric of our society in quiet. he got away with doing some bad stuff because of his support from the deep state and gop rinos. trump is bucking both parties, he has very few allies

i posted the agenda obama supported and pushed. for a christian it almost could get no worse, unless hillary won.

trump acts like an idiot but at least his policies are not as damaging as his predecessor.

remember the anti-christ will come as an angel of light.
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