Evil inclinations? Evil intent?
'*(1) the intention or purpose for which the act is done,
(2) the inherent moral meaning of the act as determined by its moral object,
(3) the circumstances of the act, especially the consequences.
To be moral, each and every act must have three good fonts of morality. The intention must be good, the moral object must be good, and the good consequences must outweigh any bad consequences. If any one font is bad, the act is immoral.** If an act is immoral due to a bad intention, the same type of act may be moral with a good intention**. If an act is immoral due to the circumstances, the same type of act may be moral in different circumstances.
But when an act has an evil moral object, the act is inherently immoral, in other words, the act is evil, in and of itself, apart from intention and circumstances.
Every intrinsically evil act has an inherent moral meaning (the moral species) which is contrary to the moral law of God.** Intrinsically evil acts are never justified by intention** or circumstances
because the moral species (the type of act in terms of morality) is inherently unjust.
Pope John Paul II: "
But the negative moral precepts, those prohibiting certain concrete actions or kinds of behavior as intrinsically evil, do not allow for any legitimate exception. They do not leave room, in any morally acceptable way, for the “creativity” of any contrary determination whatsoever.
Once the moral species of an action prohibited by a universal rule is concretely recognized, the only morally good act is that of obeying the moral law and of refraining from the action which it forbids." (Veritatis Splendor, n. 67).
Intrinsically evil acts are always immoral, and are never justified by intention, or by circumstances, or by other knowingly chosen acts.’*
Freedom makes man a moral subject. When he acts deliberately, man is, so to speak,
the father of his acts. Human acts, that is, acts that are freely chosen in
consequence of a judgment of conscience, can be morally evaluated. They are either good or evil.
The morality of human acts depends on:
- the object chosen;
- the end in view or the intention;
- the circumstances of the action.
The object,** the intention**, and the circumstances make up the “sources,” or constitutive elements, of the morality of human acts.
1751** The object chosen is a good toward which the will deliberately directs itself. It is the matter of a human act**. The object chosen morally specifies the act of the will, insofar as reason recognizes and judges it to be or not to be in conformity with the true good.
Objective norms of morality express the rational order of good and evil, attested to by conscience.
1752 In contrast to the object,
the intention resides in the acting subject.
Because it lies at the voluntary source of an action and determines it by its end, intention is an element essential to the moral evaluation of an action.
The end is the first goal of the intention and indicates the purpose pursued in the action.