If a person is single-mindedly loving and caring, though, it is not a problem at all, right? So it is not the capacity for single-mindedness that is the problem, and I think I made the case for some single-mindedness on other drives (wealth, status, sex) as beneficial to our survival as a species, as these same traits benefit the survival of other species. We don’t claim that satan possesses squirrels gathering nuts and dogs in heat, right?
Traits are inherited, are they not? And why would the Spirit not be involved in such inheritance? The point is, why attribute something to satan that we can attribute to God?
I can answer that question for myself - I attributed my own traits to satan that I specifically resented within. Yes, I resented, to some degree, my desire for dominance, control, material wealth, sex, stuff that others have, and my own reaction to all of the pressures (sloth). I resented, to some degree, my capacity for blindness and hate, as well as other traits. “These certainly must be from a bad source” was the voice of my subconscious.
However, what I have found is that in prayer each of these traits can be called forward and forgiven; an inner reconciliation can take place; an inner dualism becomes a monism. In the mean time, the dualism within functions as part of the conscience. When those traits are demonized, we pay close attention to them and keep them in check; it works most of the time. After the traits are forgiven, their presence is still noted but the dualism disappears.
Yes, this is the Zoroastrian model, the dualistic model, the
“Star Wars” model. Satan in control of part of creation. In Christianity, we couch this in “But God allows it” or “But God has more power” and we soften the departure from Monism. The fact is, if we have a power in opposition to God, a power that has unknown strength and scope, then we are talking about something of infinite reach. An unknown is an infinite unknown. An infinite power is a god.
I am convinced that there is a place for such dualism in Christianity, for the model reflects the workings of the conscience itself. However, when the concept comes under scrutiny, as you are doing in this thread, the construct begins to unravel because there is nothing that we attribute to satan that cannot be attributed to God and all of his created beings here on Earth. If we look a little deeper, we can see God’s hand and/or or we see the hands of humans in everything that happens here. (We are not completely robots, like animals essentially are. We have some autonomy.) In my view, it is not a “power of Good” working for, nor working against, a “power of Evil”. It is all from a power of Good.
So, I respect your view of the cosmos, and I present another way of looking at it. It can only really make sense in light of the prayerful inner reconciliation I mentioned. Your view makes sense too, and I think that there is a place in our faith for both positions.
Thanks, and God bless your day.