I think I tend to agree with #1 of the summary, though I’m open to learning more.Yes, I agree with the body of the article, not with everything in the " summary. " I would make one correction to the article. The brain is not the location of the mind. Let me explain. Thomas Aquinas and Augustine taught that the soul is wholely present in every part of the body. And the intellect ( mind ) is a power of he soul: thus it cannot be located anywhere, but it operates through the brain, which is the interface between the soul and the outer world and man’s bodily functions. You see ,the soul, being a spiritual being, does not have parts, it only has powers.
You have noticed that we have debated here where memory is located. That question really is one that cannot be answered with certainty. I say it is located in the soul, others say it is located in the brain. In my view anything that can properly be called the subject of memory must be very like a phantasm, it is basically immaterial, so it cannot be retained in the brain. Sense perceptions are physical, so they can be retained in the brain for a short period of time because the brain is physical. But I would not call these memories. I would call them just what they are, physical impressions.