Excellent - and funny.

*Very curious comment. Since at least high school I understood that man’s soul was a spirit, similar to the nature of an angel. We are made in God’s image, right? Shouldn’t that mean that we have a spiritual or immaterial side to our nature, which makes us a " little less " than the angels, " and very, very remotely similar to God, who we know is a Spirit?
And if we have a spiritual or immaterial side to our nature, wouldn’t it most likely be the seat of our reason or intellect? And how would this entail the breaking of the laws of nature? That is a very curious comment.
First, angels must break at least one law of nature. Simply by the act of speaking, as in Luke 1:13, the angel has to make air vibrate, which breaks the law of conservation of energy, since there’s no physical causation to the air moving.Would you mind explaing how the mind does " tricks " and violates laws of nature. Very curious about that.*
Second, if our mind doesn’t break any law of nature then there’s no reason why anything more than the brain (well, central nervous system) is needed. Only if it must break a law of nature, as do angels, would anything non-physical be necessary.
Nope, I’m not repeating any dogma. The reason I brought it up is that earlier (post #57) you said “the conscious mind ( in some mysterious way we will never know ) …”.inocente;13044989:
I know you are just repeating what you have read or heard. It is a very curious comment to make, it needs to be explained. And why are you bringing it up?And, of course, that would be a huge claim requiring lots of evidence, since it would mean that some aspect of the human mind is the only composite phenomenon in the entire universe which is so disordered that it follows no pattern, even in principle, and is therefore forever inexplicable.
Now the only reason why we could never know is that there is something occult, hidden, something which can never be analyzed even in principle, and so could never be described by a law of nature. So

I was responding to a question from yppop.I never have and you are the first person I have heard express the need to do so. I am me, the whole shebang, body and soul. From the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet - I am a self aware, conscious, thinking person.
*We are children of God, like him spiritually and intellectually, unlike him physically.
Are intellect and will categories invented by Señor Aristotle? Whatever, leaving his speculative scheme aside, start from the CCC’s “the soul is the form of the body”. It’s not really my theology but I guess it’s yours. So: a soul in heaven must have a body for it to be the form of; the body must have a brain since a brain is part of the body; and if the brain is the seat of the mind, the soul is therefore complete. No?As Richa said above, " We think with our intellect and love with our will. We share in God’s image and likeness according to these two spiritual powers of our soul. The angels also have intelligence and will but they are wholly spiritual and immaterial and thus they by nature are more like God than we are. Yes, this is catholic dogma. The human souls of the blessed in heaven who see God face to face though they are without their material brains are not there as though they are vegetables. They see and know God with their intellects and love him with their wills and are supremely happy. "*