Shortly before stepping down as Pope, Pope Benedict told Catholics about what happened.
It’s wasn’t Vatican II itself that was the problem. It was the implementation of some of the changes that was the problem.I know many people have the opinion that Vatican II caused too many changes in the church too fast and meant we lost many Catholics.
The Church was growing in Asia and Africa before V2. The growth continued after the Council., Vatican II has many fruits - Asia and Africa being the largest.
Not the Council directly. But the implementation of it, the ,“spirit of Vatican 2”, allowed people to misuse the council to eliminate most doctrinal content, especially supernatural content of the Faith.So you would say that Vat II caused the decline in the number of priests?
Always good to focus on specifics. We aren’t living in the 1960s, the council happened, for better and worse, it won’t be undone. But some implementation of it can be tweaked.In my opinion, very, very badly needed. Like the attitude towards Jews in particular. So maybe best to talk about specific changes we’d like to see rather than sweeping generalizations about Vatican II.
Yes, this is key. There will be a lot of temptation to ‘loosen’ orthodoxy to attract members, because I think a lot of people will fall away in the next few decades. There are a lot of people who identify as Christian, who go to church once or twice a year if at all, who will go where the wind blows as it becomes more socially acceptable to be openly nonreligious.Beyond Reason, I believe your points are very valid. Some of the most on fire Catholic parishes I know added small faith sharing groups to enable more direct pastoral support and discipleship to all the other traditional riches of the parish.
As an atheist convert who passionately loves the Catholic church I do believe some Christian communities outside the church can gasp have gifts to offer the Catholic church. I only see Christian’s being drawn closer in the future, as long as we all stay orthodox in belief.
Never claimed otherwise.phil19034:![]()
The Church was growing in Asia and Africa before V2. The growth continued after the Council., Vatican II has many fruits - Asia and Africa being the largest.