It took approximately 100 years for the issues of Trent to be set in place, so your Post is a bit anticipatory.
The truths of the Church were not thrown into confusion because of V 2; it was because the bishops, prior to that time, had been treated for a large part as mid level managers, with the Curia ruling. When progressives took the microphone (and I would submit that was about the day Humanae Vitae was signed) matters unwound in an extremely rapid fashion,. Pope Paul was basically muted, the bishops were in confusion as to how to handle the backlash, and no one stepped into the gap. At about the same time, progressives were reshaping catechesis and again the bishops failed to respond. While the Baltimore Catechism had done grat work, there was more that needed to be done and the bishops were so far out to lunch they had no idea what was happening. And those progressives were educated before, to well before John 23 came up with his idea.
The modern world was going down that path, Council or no Council. The Council did not fail; the bishops dropped the ball. However, interestingly, Poland had a remarkably smooth transition as the bishops aggressively led. Additionally, Poland was not really a part of what was going on in western Europe and the US. They were still under the thumb of the Communists; Interestingly, the Church thrives under repression.
Liturgy: you are simply wrong about belief in the true presence. People post V 2 were not educated about “transubstantiation” but that was not part and parcel of the Church until the middle ages; and people believed then. Those practicing now believe it, even if they do not have the technical education to be able to pick out the word. I am not going to duel with you on this;Jimmy Akin has done a better job or explicating the polls. And attendance has plummeted in the Church; and parallel to it so has attendance in the mainline Christian churches. You can’t blame V 2 for that; it has other sources. Vocations to priesthood - callings to ministry in mainline churches - parallel. Same point.
Revelation: you appear to not have seen much of what has been done in Scriptural research. We have vastly more and wonderful research available; it simply was an unknown to most laity before V 2.
Once solid Universities got caught in a Federal money squeeze and were turned over to lay boards, very often to their detriment. Yes, I have had an earful about, for example, Notre Dame (as an example) and often by people who never look at the whole, but pick out the spectacular.
Hostility of other religions - would have happened whether V 2 occurred or not. And again, the bishops were at fault for not stepping up as the voice of the local shepherd.
Polls" you seem not to know how polls are set up and taken. With about 23% attending Mass weekly, the poll catches the majority who have basically walked away. V 2 never said it would make the laity more faithful - and we go back to catechesis.