Overall, Vatican II was supposed to make the Church more effective at her mission in the modern world. Instead, we have been steamrolled by the modern world. In that sense, Vatican II has been a failure and produced little fruit (what little fruit it has produced has been outweighed by the losses 10 fold). I fully hold the Council’s acts to be orthodox and the intentions to be good, but the fact is those intentions have not been fulfilled successfully.
What you’re saying is that the problem was not the Council, but the clergy and laity who failed to implement it. But I think the problem is that you fail to see the big picture.
European Catholics left the Church for Protestantism in droves before, during, and after the Council of Trent. Not only were seminaries and convents in disarray and liturgical and doctrinal abuses spread by local clergy rampant prior to Trent, it took generations for things to change. The Counter-reformation saw rather rise of the likes of St Teresa of Avila, who reformed the Carmelite order that had become lax, spiritually stagnant and lost it’s purpose, filled with political influence and wealth that had turned monasteries into places focused on worldly frivolity. St John of the Cross, Ignatius of Loyola, etc. spent their life working in the vineyard during the Counter-Reformation movement, which was never easy and filled with challenges.
While the Church was disintegrating in Europe, it was increasing in numbers in the New World because of Spanish missionary work; as 8 million European Catholics left the Church, 8 million converts replaced them in Mexico.
Today, while secularism devastates Western culture, there is an influx of zeal coming into the Church in other parts of the world.
EWTN alone is an example of the fruits of Vatican II. It was the Vatican II’s
Inter Mirifica that made it possible for a cloistered nun to establish what would become the Eternal Word Catholic Television Network, starting from a small garage in Alabama, but today encompasses vast regions of the world reaching hundreds of millions of Catholics and non-Catholics. Catholic Answers is predominantly run by former Protestants, and countless of former Protestants are bringing their zeal into the Catholic Church in the wake of Vatican II. There are many many good things happening in the non-English speaking Catholic world too, with good men and women that God has raised.
Today the only problem is that there are too many people complaining about the problems instead of actually becoming part of the movement in the Church to impacts the age in which we live. In every age there always were, are, and will be wolves and weeds among both the clergy and the laity alongside those who are striving for holiness.
The Catholic laity need to understand today is that the whole point of Vatican II was to awaken the Christian laity to go into the world and spread the light of Christ. I urge everyone to listen to this brief talk by Archbishop Sheen:
CLICK HERE to listen