Are you American first, or Catholic first? What is more important? Your Catholic religion, or your politically conservative beliefs? I am not asking any of this to be uncharitable, or condescending, but the Catholic Church has always called for social justice.
The only difference now is you have a Pope who is calling louder, and some clergy are responding in term.
Many of the things you’re speaking are injustices, certainly, but here’s the thing… There’s two sides to every argument. Things are seldom black and white as much as they are black and black.
Would we have illegals here in the first place, if their nations could provide for them, and their economies weren’t often ruined because of first world exploitations? Would ISIS even exist, if not for Western manipulation of Middle Eastern politics? Would those hospitals that closed because people couldn’t pay their ER bills, if healthcare was actually affordable or even provided by the state?
Maybe when you look at the world, you see good and evil. But I just see a fallen world, with no clear heroes and villains, but a world that I believe we can make better with love and compassion. But in order to do that, we need to break down the barriers around our own hearts, and far to often those barriers are political ideologies.