Use your psychic powers to win the lottery, that’s a better use than going on an Internet Forum and telling someone else what they think and feel.
Do you have evidence of this? I know you are fond of truth, but are you saying that native Americans did not have their own territories and power structure?Indians didn’t have a country
Not at all.Yes, let us shift to the modern context. Do you feel insecure/uncomfortable if there is a country, company, or club that is “too white” and think there needs to be less white people?
Okay, you nailed me on that one. I assumed you were white because I think you said you were American, and you want America to be dominated by white people, that it should be a place for white people. If you are not a white person, then such a position would be rare indeed, and calls for more clarification.By the way, why do you assume I’m white? Is it impossible for non-whites to believe that whites deserve their own homelands and countries? Do people have to be the same race as another to believe they have certain rights that should be protected?
Do they really have proof of this happening? I am curious about that. Did they take a survey? Did they actually talk to some people who were really resentful of what the Israeli government did last summer, and see that their protest of the government’s new pronouncements, for example, led protestors to eventually resent Jewish people?“where anti-Israel sentiment has morphed into anti-Semitism”
Yeah, instead of doing like people did in America against Ilhan Omar, pointing and condemning her, they could simply give a counterpoint, give the evidence that disproves something she claims.Confronting anti-Semitic claims with evidence, showing their absurdity, is crucial, Lipstadt told me—even if it’s also prudent to keep some distance and avoid validating those acting in bad faith.
This is a slippery slope, and people who buy into some particular conspiracy theory are likely offended by this statement. The fact is that conspiracies do happen. If and when there is evidence against a conspiracy theory, what needs to be done is to present the evidence, not point at the theory and condemn it. The truth does not need to condemn the position of falsehood, and it is a disservice to truth to condemn or incite resentment against people who are misled! To uphold truth, present the evidence, and leave it at that.“If they believe these irrational things about Jews, they’ll believe irrational things about their government. They’ll believe irrational things about the economy. They’ll believe irrational things about their neighbors. Conspiracy theories within a society are very dangerous.”
That’s so reassuring. Perhaps you could explain why he said his father was born in “a wonderful place” in Germany last week? (His father was born in the Bronx in 1905.)Donald Trump always intends well.
That’s so reassuring.
A few months ago when he was at a rally in Wisconsin he said “I am the first Republican presidential candidate to win Wisconsin since Eisenhower’s first term!!!” (He conveniently ignored Eisenhower’s 2nd term, Nixon in 1960, 1968, 1972, Reagan in 1982 and 1986…)So, do you see his good intent? He is blind, of course, but well-meaning.