I think you have somehow misunderstood that I am against wealthy people which is not the case.
I’m actually a “fan” of Elon Musk etc.
What you are suggesting would be right if it was true that average or low income earners were lazy like you mentioned,however this is not the case for many people.
There are many people on low incomes who get up at the crack of dawn,commute to work for 2 hours there and back,come home late then go to sleep and rarely see their families and are very hard working.
Take for instances Disability Care workers-they are very hardworking,far from lazy,and get paid very low wages.
Same for manufacturing factory workers-some start at 6 am and do hard physical labour,often not in comfortable conditions (sweating etc) and they are paid very poorly.
You mentioned these people could easily start their own businesses-I actually run my own business and I can tell you,realistically,most people on low incomes cannot start their own business because starting a business requires capital.
After these people have paid their rent or mortgage,bills,travel expenses,food child related expenses if they have children etc they usually have no money left.
In addition they might not be successful in applying for a business loan and they might not have the means to pay it back should their business fail.
With over 60% of Small Businesses failing within the first three years of operation (in Australia),in practicality it’s not as easy as you make it sound.
Rarely people can make a successful business with little investment such as if they have really great artistic ability they could sell their art,but for the most part starting a business requires
I’m definitely not against wealth,but what I am “against” is the “ugly side” of wealth that can come with
some wealthy people such as spending on frivolities such as expensive champagne when it could be better used to help poor people or certain very rich men dropping big dollars to impress beautiful women who are hanging out with them for their money etc…
It might come as a surprise to you but there are the occasional wealthy people that believe they should be paying high taxes.