What is on your list of forbidden books?

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John Higgins:
Obviously children should be shielded from inappropriate material.

So who decides what is inappropriate material? Some parents may feel one thing is ok while another can view the same book as not ok.
My daughter and I have (once) refused a reading assignment because of offensive content. The teacher already had a back-up assignment for parents who objected.
Makes me wonder why, if the teacher anticipated objections, he or she didn’t just assign the non-objectionable book?
So who decides what is inappropriate material? Some parents may feel one thing is ok while another can view the same book as not ok.
IN my house, I decide. In the schools, the parents as a whole. Obviously not all agree. There are probably some that think porn is a healthy outlet for their boys. This does not justify pornography in the schools.

I am not referring one bit to the private sector and the freedom of press. But in the public sector where public funds are used, this same public has a right to decide what these funds are used for, be it s school or public library.
Makes me wonder why, if the teacher anticipated objections, he or she didn’t just assign the non-objectionable book?
Because the current book was popular among educators at the time. I found all sort of help resources on-line for English teachers, it won an award of some sort.

The topic of the book dealt with Indian mysticism mixed with a bizarre form of Catholicism (the only religion it is PC to offend today). My daughter was offended by the language, which the teacher thought was okay for HS freshmen. Obviously if I would have walked in and used the same language with her, I would have been kicked out or arrested.
We live in Oregon, on the “Left Coast.” I love books and bookstores. In 1973, the year I moved here from Southern California, I spent many hours in Powell’s.

Now, I order books online. Why? Because of the trashy and dirty *%#??!! filth on the shelves, usually at children’s eye level! I have confronted bookstore clerks, bookstore owners, and even public libraries.


It won’t be long after you enter a bookstore like Borders when you will open a book that is nauseating. I was in Borders and browsing the Best Sellers table at the front. I picked up RUNNING WITH SCISSORS. Page after page of sick graphic male-on-male child molestation - supposedly a true story about the author. A best seller - and shelved at a child’s eye level.

Next, I was in the Portland Art Museum’s distinguished gift and book shop. This time, I purposefully searched the shelves. I found an “art” book of photograhed erect penises. Art? No, porn! Again, at a child’s eye level.

Next, in the neighborhood bookstore, Annie Bloom’s Books, which has a popular children’s section. Again, I found an “art” book of full color erect penises - but this time naked gays in various poses with water splashing on them. At a child’s eye level.

Finally, there’s the Multnomah County Liberal-ary (library). Shelves are stocked full of Young Adult (read: teenage) books about witches, casting spells, Satan’s Bible, mean girls, coming of age (with gratuitous filthy dialogue or thoughts by the female protaganist).

Am I supposed to pretend this isn’t happening? Stay out of the library? Pray? We visited Salt Lake City recently and I looked for these books and did not find them.

By-the-way, it is my firm belief that libraries are the new churches of today. They are austere and grand with high ceilings.

BURN THIS BOOK: Running With Scissors; God, Are You There? (a girl’s coming of age; obsessed with errogenous zones) by overrated teen author Judy Bloom; Jailbait (errogenous bordering on pormo) by Leslie Newman; Rainbow Lips (new!) by -?- describing oral sex-capades - teen parties; The da Vinci Code; Boy With A Gun, a faked diary of the murderous ramblings of a teenage school boy who wants to kill; Norm Chompsky books(hates Israel and America); books by writers from “Cosmo Girl”. I wish I could go on.

Wish every decent Christian, Muslim, Jew would mobilize like the libs.
Another Oregonian here, and we’ve noticed the same thing. Even Hollywood video is getting pretty trashy with what they put at children’s eye level.
Fredom of speech and of the press does not mean that anyone or any group is obligated to give a platform for every piece of filth to come along. I admire those who have the moral fiber to have no part in propagating sin, whether it be at a bookstore, or a school library.

My daughter and I have (once) refused a reading assignment because of offensive content. The teacher already had a back-up assignment for parents who objected.
This is great to hear since this teacher has the insight to present a back-up assignment. Yet, it is a shame that the back-up assignment ISN’T the major assignment. :confused:
The absolutely only books on my forbidden list are pornography.

Otherwise I would pass a law outlawing the banning of any piece of literature.

I would restrict certain non-literature technical books, like how to make a home-made bomb, how to make a booby trap, how to poison your sister or wife or husband, and so on. These really don’t have any constructive value in society, otherwise only porn books should be forbidden.

I cringe when I read that some of the books I read as a child are now banned: FIve Chinese Brothers and Little Black Sambo; these are near and dear to my heart and now they’ve been banned. Why?
This is great to hear since this teacher has the insight to present a back-up assignment. Yet, it is a shame that the back-up assignment ISN’T the major assignment. :confused:
Yes. She is a good teacher and very dedicated to her students. She does not have a Christian background, though. This is one reason why parents must stay on top of what is happening at school.
John Higgins:
For my personal consumption, none.

Obviously children should be shielded from inappropriate material. Some people are not savvy enough to discern a bad book or opinion from a good one. As far as burning books, advocates should be sentenced to read Fahrenheit 451.

I read Fahrenheit 451 about 3 years ago. I loved it. 👍

And while I am questioning here, what is wrong with Judy Bloom? I recall seeing her books in my youth in my school’s libraries all the time.
I love Judy Blume. 👍 Her “Fudge” books were excellent, she’s an extremely talented writer. However, some of her books geared toward young adults may have some objectionable content… but her childrens’ books are still good reads! (at least in my opinion.) 🙂
I finally found the name of the book that the teacher assigned,* Bless Me, Ultima.*
I finally found the name of the book that the teacher assigned,* Bless Me, Ultima.*
Hey Newton, I read that book years ago when I lived in NM. I liked it at the time. :cool:

I PRAY that everyone reading this will take a closer look at the American Library Association by reading this well-written and researched essay…

“THE SEDUCTION OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC LIBRARY” by Helen Chaffee Biehle here: eagleforum.org/educate/1996/feb96/focus.html


The library with which most Americans over the age of 30 grew up was the creation of people like William Fletcher, who, writing at the turn of the century, encouraged librarians to accept responsibility for the library’s moral influence in the community. This is the heart of the change: today the ALA resoundingly rejects this responsibility as naive and old-fashioned. Its official statements ridicule and ostracize librarians who do not comply with this rejection of responsibility to the community, and library schools teach this new doctrine. The acceptance of moral responsibility for children in the library is now called “unprofessional,” making a responsible moral judgment about materials purchased for the library is called “elitist,” and the librarian who is brave enough to do either is labeled a “censor.”

Look at the philosophic change: for its entire history, until the 1960s, the philosophy that undergirded the American public library was the same as that which informed the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, and made the free speech clause possible. James Madison’s thinking sprang from the English Enlightenment, with its emphasis on human reason. However, the dignity of the individual and the attribution to him/her of rights was based on a theistic idea which Madison took for granted: that persons were created by God, who was the Source of human rights. Madison said in another context, “We have staked the whole of our political institutions on the capacity of mankind to govern themselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

Until the 1960s, the American library shared common values with its public, and compared with today’s library, was a communitarianinstitution. (Communitarianism accepts the idea that individual freedoms must stop short of harm to others and that the good of the community is of great importance.) Libraries, before the 1960s, had great local autonomy. Librarians were free to make moral judgments and were thus free to acquire the best available materials for their library collections. There were separate collections for children and adults.

Now, what about the bugaboo of censorship? Way back in 1948, the ALA added the following Article to the Library Bill of Rights: “Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.”

Unfortunately, for the last 25 years, the tail has wagged the dog. Since 1967, the Office of Intellectual Freedom has made CENSORSHIP its most important issue, and has broadened the definition of censorship far beyond its original meaning of prior restraint. “There is no good censorship,” says one of the Statements of Interpretation, those ALA proclamations that tell librarians how they should think.

The ALA fears censorship with an almost paranoid obsession. …stoke the fires of this paranoia in the Intellectual Freedom Manual with their list of potential censors, which includes not only everyone in the community but everyone in the library, as well. Nobody escapes.

The list includes: “Parents, either singly or in groups…Religious groups…Protected minority groups…Patriotic groups” and, for good measure, “emotionally unstable individuals.” The enemies list includes library trustees, in whom governing power over a library resides. Why are trustees, library management, and even staff, under suspicion? Here is Ms. Bolt and Mr. Conable’s answer: Because they may be “parents, church-goers and members of political organizations.”! In other words, these people might commit the heresy of not following the ALA party line. No independent thinkers allowed here!

The placing of church-goers under suspicion is especially ironic. During the first quarter of this century, John Cotton Dana, sometime president of the ALA and one of its best-known names in the history of the public library, cultivated a warm relationship with churches, for they were an enormous help to him in establishing libraries across America.

And what about parents? Responsible parents have invested enormous amounts of time and treasure in their children, and they need help from the community in raising them to be responsible adults. I’m sure you’ve heard the old African proverb: “It takes a whole village to raise one child.” Our parents could once count on the library to be part of our village.

How sad that we can do that no more! In fact, Peggy Noonan has pointed out that contemporary American parents are forced to spend inordinate amounts of time protecting their children from our culture.


I finally found the name of the book that the teacher assigned,* Bless Me, Ultima.*
Can I ask why you refused to let her read the book? From what I recall about reading it (way back when) it was a great book…nothing questionable. But I would like your view on it.
Can I ask why you refused to let her read the book? From what I recall about reading it (way back when) it was a great book…nothing questionable. But I would like your view on it.
Becuase she found the cuss words in the book objectionable. I see no point in trying to destroy innocence faster than it already is. I thought its portrayal of Catholicism stereotypical, but bear in mind I only read excerpts from the book. I am also not a fan of mysticism. The book had religious overtones that tried to combine catholic faith with native faith.
Becuase she found the cuss words in the book objectionable. I see no point in trying to destroy innocence faster than it already is. I thought its portrayal of Catholicism stereotypical, but bear in mind I only read excerpts from the book. I am also not a fan of mysticism. The book had religious overtones that tried to combine catholic faith with native faith.
Ahh…I see
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