What is really Pro-Life?

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Abortion will not end by politics, that’s for sure. The reason is that the problem is rooted not in our laws, but in our hearts. Too many people see no problem with abortion. That is where the change has to begin. We need to convince people that it is a killing and that it is wrong. That’s a tough assignment, but with God’s help not impossible.
well, then how will abortion end?

unless Pope Francis makes a stand against abortion

and stops preaching about “man-made global warming”
a topic that has NOTHING to do with the theology of the Catholic Church
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i am one of those; but imho; STOPPING abortion should be the priority of the Vatican
Abortion became legal in the USA in 1973. Our country was 1000x more moral back then than today. You really think things can change today?
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i can’t predict the future

all i can do is pray & rant on CAF; until i get banned

which seems to be almost certain … 😦
well, then how will abortion end?

unless Pope Francis makes a stand against abortion

and stops preaching about “man-made global warming”
a topic that has NOTHING to do with the theology of the Catholic Church
Did not God create our earth for us to live? Should we abuse it?
no we shouldn’t;

earth’s resources are nearly endless & the tiny human species has next to no influence on earth’ s ability to be good, bad, indifferent or hostile to us
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i can’t predict the future

all i can do is pray & rant on CAF; until i get banned

which seems to be almost certain … 😦
Just don’t cause animosity against the magistrate’s and you’ll be fine. We need to wrestle with these real issues in the light of Christ.

A real discussion within the body of Christ Church.

Its not like you talking to real far leftist liberals who support gay marriage and are atheist. We are NOT those.

When we get a chance to vote on these issues independently, we vote against them. Like here in liberal land California, I voted against gay marriage, and against marijuana being legal. I voted against the ban on plastic bags also.
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What other real Pro-Life issues do others suggest?
Generally speaking, “pro life” refers to someone’s stand on the issue of legalized abortion and nothing else. Its an issue with not a lot of nuance, you’re either opposed to abortion or your in favor of it.

By having a whole laundry list of other issues about wage levels and gun control and crime and punishment, and lopping them all in with the “pro life” label, it just reduces the number of people in the movement and makes them irrelevant.

If someone is opposed to abortion, yet might be against increasing the minimal wage, why turn them away from the pro-life movement?
If someone is opposed to abortion, yet might be against increasing the minimal wage, why turn them away from the pro-life movement?
I never suggested moving away from the pro-life movement, but to look deeper into other issues that also affect humanities dignity.
it’s just kind of a “thing” with left winger catholics (and my state is polluted with them)

ultimately, they could care less about abortion

left wing social agenda issues are FAR more important to them
Being pro-life means just being there, investing in women in mothers.

When my mom was volunteering for Birthright in the 70s, she met a woman whose husband threatened to leave her if she refused to have an abortion. The Holy Spirit must have been present when my mom blurted out, “Have the baby. My friends and I will help.”

And they did! Sure enough, the woman’s husband abandoned her. My mom and her pro-life friends pooled in on childcare while the newly single mother went back to work.

Sometimes pro-lifey-ness is in the every-day things. (Did I just say pro-lifey-ness? I must be drunk on exhaustion!)
Thank you, you have a good list.
I would recommend that the ‘Cold War,’ was not as cold or bloodless as is conveyed.
Just Korea, Vietnam, Angola, and Afghanistan refute the claim that the war was actually cold. They only say that because, compared to WWI, and WWII – where a vast number of societies and groups, along with the many nations involved; that a major world wide conventional war, with nuclear threat overtones was avoided.
Also, there is not one person on earth who can categorically, without any reservation; claiming to speak authoritatively, infallibly for God can claim that consciousness does not exist for every single human being conceived with a unique DNA. As a matter of fact; even though Thomas Aquinas; would not define when the inmost being consciousness and body are infused together; ‘the quickening’ term used in a more wide meaning then when the pre-birthed stage of in utero infancy child ‘kicks;’
he concluded, that even if he did not authoritatively define this; it didn’t matter because the body is created for a soul in God’s economy of creating human persons.
This word ‘economy’ has deep meaning. In Judaeo Christian teaching any wastefulness falls short of The Glory of God. Therefore, especially, with the dire consequences of not recognizing human life at any stage; God would not ‘waste’ a human body; born into human life at the instant of conception. Beside the fact that stem cells forming blood happen very quickly, from a transcendental point of view; every consciousness is entitled to his or her blood no matter when that blood happens from the Eternal point of view.
~Why so much writing on this? The Soviet Union, around 1920; was the first modern nation to ‘legalize,’ the killing of children yet to be birthed. Just the legalization in and of itself, solemnly, direly with great impact creates an atmosphere; along with the honey speech playing at heartstrings rhetoric that involve situational ethics a culture of death mentality that just by it’s nature of not finding one group ‘useful’ enough to protect - others will be marginalized according to perceived usefulness just because the God given intrinsic value, dignity and Sacredness of human life is not applied to every human consciousness. And since a consciousness, ‘I knew you before the womb,’ ref. Jer. 1:5; has the natural ardent, emphatic, earnest desire to live in God’s Providence — playing God with their value, their suffer as opposed to or at a strict line of demarcation in situational ethics concerning other sorrowful social concerns;
in and of itself, marginalizes these children. So, by all means be deeply concerned with all unearned suffering, especially children; but be extremely careful of these real human situations, which often need those on both sides to come to agreements - this both sides contribute to the delays finding ways to better the situation; — (cont…)
— be extremely careful with those with written policies and vocal policies; that clearly show agendas of oppressing freedoms given by The Laws of Nature and The God of Nature to facilitate a culture of death; champion the dictatorship of moral relativism;
oppress the freedom to express the Judaeo Christian ethic.
The Holy Bible says do not go beyond what is written. In the complexities, sorrows, and real pain of human suffering; lasting solutions require not compromising anyone’s freedom of conscience, expression, and religious oppression to the dictatorship of moral relativism. And it is much more than living in harsh peer pressure now, that are endangering children forming their conscience. And to put all the onus on parents; letting this oppressive seducing playing at heartstrings propaganda, with real legislative, adjudications, continue — does not protect children; and does not help bring about a culture of life. The nation shall not form a religion is severely abused in a bias against the Judaeo Christian ethic; which really brought about the idea of Creator given intrinsic value, dignity, and sacredness of human life. The founding fathers did not suppress Christian ideas in the public forum. Doing this, has an agenda, and does not conform to the Creeds and ideal of our Constitution. Jesus Christ said that apart from Him we can do nothing. So to let this bias suppression go unchecked without adamantly opposing it; accomplishes nothing with everything considered - nothing but contribute to the culture of death, ultimately and in reality by the sheer numbers of those suffering.
The Light shines in the darkness.
God help us!
And that’s how to end abortion: one person talking to another person, persuading, encouraging, lending a hand. President Trump can’t do that. Pope Francis can’t do that. We all have to do that.
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I never suggested moving away from the pro-life movement, but to look deeper into other issues that also affect humanities dignity.
The only thing is that a lot of pro life activists don’t agree with you outside of abortion.

So you don’t have much of a “movement” if you distract them with other issues.

Particularly as the Abortion issue hasn’t been resolved yet.

What you are saying certainly would have merit to take up- after the Abortion issue is resolved. But right now, trash talking strong pro-life men like President Trump doesn’t win any friends and put the resolution of the abortion issue further into the future.
I wonder why it is not widely and vastly compassionate exhorted in every parish to reach out; or at least make it very visible that help is available to parents- women; and children.
Good Counsel Homes, Sisters of Life, and Coworkers of Life (even with some helping with job training or trying to do this) backs up John Cardinal O’Connor saying that any woman in need; even if she can’t pay; can come to the Church for help. And if a person listens to his part of witnessing to 700,000 people in Washington D.C., on Apr 28th, 1990; a 12-13 minute speech; he told the media over and over from 1984 until then; and he never saw or heard this reported in the media; because the media claimed over an over again that The Church doesn’t care about women. It didn’t fit their agenda. And the crowd, when hearing things like this; or that CNN reported that only 60,000 were in attendance; they would give a few moments of shouting out, ‘tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth.’
We need to end the vast reticence and silence; which helps the oppression of the parents - mothers of not having access to an informed conscience; and the oppression of the children in the womb themselves. And another thing John Cardinal O’Connor said, that Thurgood Marshall once gave a good witness that unjust laws can be changed. The unjust laws, combined with the situational ethics, honey speech rhetoric; to justify the murder of children — aids and abets a climate of acceptance to many. We must fight to end all justifications of murder and complacent gradualism justification to avoid forming a sustained compassionate visible witness in proportion to the need; and the need to overcome the bias among so many intellectual elite in many venues, like the media. Silence serves oppression never the oppressed. This is necessary for a culture of life to be better be realized.
Peace and warm regards.
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The faint of heart are advised to skip this post.

I’m the NRA.

And, I’m just a little sick and tired of the NRA members (who are Law Enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, Probabtion Officers , Prosecutors, single moms) and the rest of the 3 million law abiding members who are being unjustly smeared with the media’s broad brush as somehow supporting murder?


They have nothing, zip, zero, nada to do with the sheer number of uncontrolled homicidal maniacs in our culture.

Green Day was right when they sang
“Don’t want to be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media…”
Instead of being programmed, let’s try to think critically.
And, I’m just a little sick and tired of the NRA members … being unjustly smeared with the media’s broad brush as somehow supporting murder
I haven’t heard anyone saying such things about NRA members.

But I do think a lot of Americans love gun liberty more than people.
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Instead of being programmed, let’s try to think critically.
…and that’s the point is to think critically. Finding ways to limit the gun violence at our schools. Some school shootings happened because irresponsible gun owners not properly locking away their weapons.

We need to find a solution to lesson this. We know gun right ownership will never go away, so lets pass laws to limit gun violence.

Example: If you leave your gun unlocked and your 16 year old kid kills at their school, you should be held liable for those murders with at least manslaughter charges.
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just kindly, friendly & peaceful advice shipmate;

you gotta tighten up you posts

imho; too long,

some of “us” have vision issues

be concise & double space

this forum is not a place to post “essays”

i could be wrong;

perhaps some posters with with 20/5 vision would’ve enjoyed your essays
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