What is really Pro-Life?

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Personally I think this is just a way to dilute the “pro-life” message to allow people who favor abortion to claim the mantle of “pro-life” and to enable them to label those who oppose abortion as part of the “culture of death”. “I support abortion (which I’ll call “reproductive freedom” to further muddy the waters), a living wage, and gun control therefore I’m more “pro-life” than an NRA member who only opposes abortion.”
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I disagree. If I buy a shirt from Wal-Mart knowing that they exploit women in third world countries and that my shirt is a product of that exploitation, then that’s an objective moral wrong. It doesn’t matter what my intention was…
You’ve changed the nature of the action I described. I started by saying “We are always morally obligated to intend the good…”. If you think it is wrong to support the exploitation of foreign workers then it becomes wrong for you to buy a shirt made by them. If, however, I believe buying that shirt is beneficial to them then my action is not immoral. Again, one of us is wrong as to a matter of fact, but neither of us is wrong in a moral sense.
While abortion is objectively wrong, I do not think banning it is the best solution to the problem, especially since a ban is unrealistic in our modern culture.
The difference is that since abortion is as you say objectively wrong it is never moral to support it, or laws that allow it, and while it may also be objectively wrong to exploit workers, we may validly disagree over what constitutes exploitation. Is exploitation a “life” issue? Assume that it is, what does that say about the situation of the foreign workers? I don’t believe they are being exploited, you do: what determines whether it is a real “life” issue, your opinion or mine, and can it really be something as indeterminate as our opinions that determines what is or is not a life issue?

There are really serious issues in the world, but just because they are serious and affect peoples’ lives doesn’t really make them a “life” issue. A life issue at a minimum is where one actually chooses between life and death, otherwise everything is a life issue, and the designation is meaningless.
It seems incomplete for me. I would like to end abortions period, not just make them illegal.
There is a lot of disagreement on how to do that.

Some people think that the Socialization of Medicine is the key, others think that promoting the free market will be an encouragement for couples to want to procreate.

Prohibition of abortion is simple and easy to understand. Bringing up arguments about new massive government bureaucracies and reports, whether or not they promote or reduce abortions, that’s more argumentative.
If everything under the sun is a “pro-life issue” than the term is meaningless. So many of the things listen in the OP are worthy issues but are NOT life and death issues!

We need to be laser focused on the most pressing moral issue of our age, the greatest evil imaginable; abortion. Ending abortion needs to be our goal, once life in the womb is respected many of these other issues will fall into place.
We need to be laser focused
If you aren’t laser focussed, will you even fellowship or associate with people who say they are pro-life but disagree with you on global warming or immigration or gun control? And if aren’t collaborating with these folks, does it make it more or less likely that you’ll be able to accomplish anything on abortion.
Ending abortion needs to be our goal, once life in the womb is respected many of these other issues will fall into place.
How can we end abortion when the Supreme Courts in the USA already made it law? We’d have to overthrow the Government in a coup to accomplish this, which isn’t going to happen, nor do I think is the Christ like thing to do.

Lets say we were somehow we were able to stop abortion, conservatives Rebulicans will still not want any of the social issues on my list.
How can we end abortion when the Supreme Courts in the USA already made it law? We’d have to overthrow the Government in a coup to accomplish this, which isn’t going to happen,
Not at all. The Supreme Court can reverse Roe. They reversed other wrong decisions in the past, like Dred Scott and Plessy.
Not at all. The Supreme Court can reverse Roe. They reversed other wrong decisions in the past, like Dred Scott and Plessy
Well in a Godly world, it could happen, but sadly we live in a time worse than sodom and gomorrah.
I don’t think these times are any worse than the 19th Century, when we got rid of slavery
True, that was a great horrid evil, but Capitalism has created a new form of slavery, where the gap between the rich and poor gets worse every day.

People work just to barely pay their rent, and eat, with nothing left over.
Good point, we’ve seen some ‘pro-life’ people turn up their noses at others because they don’t sufficiently worship at the altar of Social Justice.
I am not saying stop working for it, but rather, expand efforts beyond it. Like resources of pregnant women and women with children.
How can we end abortion when the Supreme Courts in the USA already made it law? We’d have to overthrow the Government in a coup to accomplish this, which isn’t going to happen,
Not at all. The Supreme Court can reverse Roe. They reversed other wrong decisions in the past, like Dred Scott and Plessy.
Dred Scott was never overturned, it just became moot when the 13th and 14th Amendments were passed. Brown vs. Board set the precedent of activist judges doing as they pleased, but that only helps the left since conservative judges generally aren’t activists.

The only way I see Roe being overridden is if the other branches of government tell the courts to buzz off.
I am not saying stop working for it, but rather, expand efforts beyond it. Like resources of pregnant women and women with children.
Pro-life groups already do this. In the UK, pro-life groups offer accomodation and even funding for desperate women who change their minds on their way in to abortion centres. Unfortunately such groups are now being legally prevented from offering this support outside some abortion centres.
But I would then go back to the necessity of prioritizing the issues I can actually change over the issues that I stand against and can
Just came back to say that, in light of Kennedy’s resignation, I stand corrected. I never thought Roe v. Wade would be overturned, but it might, and now that it might be overturned, I have never been more conflicted on this issue than I am right now.

It’s amazing how much can change in a day.
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Just came back to say that, in light of Kennedy’s resignation, I stand corrected. I never thought Roe v. Wade would be overturned, but it might, and now that it might be overturned, I have never been more conflicted on this issue than I am right now.

It’s amazing how much can change in a day
Now if was possible it be great. But what I’ve noticed is the Supreme Court Justices base their decision on our US Constitution. This is good and bad.

Like when gay marriage was made law of the land bases on the Constitution. Equal rights for all Americans, but major blow for us God fearing folks.
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Now if was possible it be great. But what I’ve noticed is the Supreme Court Justices base their decision on our US Constitution. This is good and bad.
Justices do base their decisions on the Constitution in theory, but they also largely decide on party lines.

I honestly just wish I knew what would happen. Wealthy woman seeking abortions will obviously fly to other states. Poor woman will not have that opportunity. I wish I knew how many of them would no longer have an abortion, how many would attempt a clandestine abortion, and how many mother/child pairs will die as a consequence. Since I do not have the knowledge, I am incredibly conflicted, but since I do not know what the outcome will be, I have to be for banning it.

It does make voting way easier on my conscience if the abortion issue is largely off the table.
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