We really are not disagreeing. Stating that something ought to remain legal is not saying that I think it is moral. There are things that I think are immoral that I do not think should be criminalized. Abortion is one of them. If it ought not be criminalized, then there is no point in making it illegal. I can make a more meaningful difference by advocating for social reform.We certainly have a responsibility to address the social factors that lead to women seeking abortions; however, this is an issue that is separate from murder.
I am not saying those of you who vote republican essentially on the abortion issue alone are wrong. I once did the same thing! I just think taking a broader look at how one can meaningfully build the kingdom of God and promote real change permits that we can approach these issues differently but with equal validity. We are both fighting to prevent as many abortions as possible. We are both pro-life. We just have different perspectives on how we ought to accomplish that objective!
I genuinely believe that by promoting a culture of life through social reform people will not only have less abortions due to economic security but will also come to a greater appreciation for the dignity of life. Then abortion will not necessarily be illegal; it will be rare and hopefully obsolete. In my view, we cannot legislate culture. We have to change culture, and then the laws will reflect that culture.
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