What is so wrong with gay people?

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if god is so accepting is loving, and if he knew gay people would be a thing, why did he tell people to write it in the bible? did he purposely want to make gay people feel awful of themselves? people don’t choose to be gay, and people like me cry to sleep and pray for days just to become straight again!
no matter what people tell me, i still see god as harsh and punishing.
i cannot emphasize this enough, but i just wish being gay wasn’t a problem with god.

i have an odd relationship with god right now, i talk to him every day because he keeps me alive and gives me blessings. but everytime i see someone being homophobic i start questioning god.
God doesn’t hate gay people.
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Persecution of gay people is a sin since it is contrary to charity. The catechism might help.
I would like to kindly ask what makes you believe that God has a problem with gay people or that He hates them?

It is a cross, yes, but the cross is not about punishment, it is about grace. Our crosses are painful but they truly do lead us to holiness. I say this as someone who shares your cross.

Remember being gay is not a sin. Acting on the attraction is the sin.
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Having same-sex attractions isn’t sinful in itself. It’s only acting upon those desires that is sinful. It’s the same as if I, a straight man, were to act on my attraction to a woman before we were married. Performing the act is a sin, not the desire for the act (So long as the desire is not itself wanted.)
I mean lust: Lustful thoughts, pornography, masturbation, etc.
The actions are sins, not the desires unless they are acted upon. When we fall into sin, we should have confidence in God’s mercy and go to confession. It should also humble us so that we can see our dependence on Him. However we should try not to abuse and presume His mercy.
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what if you’re embarassed to tell confess you’re gay even if god knows himself
This is uncharitable, and I am hurt by your post. The OP seems to be young and this cross can be incredibly confusing growing up. He has come here to look for answers: Catholic answers. Catholic answers include charity, and you have not done so through your response.
God loves you. God suffered the most painful death possible just so that He could be with you after you pass from this world. Oftentimes that message is lost in the talk of sin and vice, but it’s important for people to remember, especially those often tempted to sin. I will pray for you, but never fail to remember that God always will love you, unconditionally.
Well, you do not have to confess that you are gay. It might help to mention it to your confessor if you want advice about it though.
If you ever need to talk, feel free to pm me. I’ll help you as best as I can.
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