What is so wrong with gay people?

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It gets easier the more you frequent the sacrament. There is usually a screen so they can’t see you in the confessional. Have attractions isn’t a sin unless you act on them.
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so you’re saying having sex with a guy is a sin…(i’m a guy)
Well, it’s a grave matter. For it to be a sin, you have to know and consent.
This is heresy. Homosexual acts are always intrinsically disordered.
Please, do not listen to this person. They are preaching heresy.
As a Catholic,
You are not suggesting the Catechism is in error. You’re suggesting the moral teaching of the Church is in error. And the Church cannot err in moral teachings.

As many have mentioned, having same-sex attraction is not a sin in of itself. Acting on it is.
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First of all, you are loved infinitely. Yet, certain behaviors are against the natural law as well as God’s law. I said behaviors not individuals.

Notice also the other behaviors that are unacceptable:
the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[c][d] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

We are all sinners of one type or another. Sin being the only thing that separates us from God.

If you suffer from SSA, please consider that to be your cross to bear and how you bear it determines your eternity. The Lord does not absolutely require that you triumph over your inclinations - only that you struggle to overcome them. Sadly, our culture has pressed for any and all behavior to be accepted. But, that behavior and the others listed are not respectful of one’s human dignity, no matter how natural they may feel.

And for that reason, we are commanded to fight against carrying out those behaviors.
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Not the catechism as a whole, but certainly the one regarding homosexuality. (2357) But tell me, am I to be burned at the stake for heresy? I believe while we strive to be obedient to the church and its teachings, I do not believe we have no right to question what we may feel is either in error, or poorly explained.
And what exact part of the Catechism about homosexuality is wrong in your view?
You may consider this a bit of a cop out - but as you can see, my position is setting people’s hair on fire. May I ask if you are a priest or brother?
And, since many creatures in nature such as birds and animals also exhibit homosexuality or bisexuality, albeit to a limited degree, it cannot be deemed against nature’s law.
You misunderstand what is meant by natural law, to begin with.

“the natural law is the rule of conduct which is prescribed to us by the Creator in the constitution of the nature with which He has endowed us.”
“The norm, however, of conduct is not some particular element or aspect of our nature. The standard is our whole human nature with its manifold relationships, considered as a creature destined to a special end. Actions are wrong if, though subserving the satisfaction of some particular need or tendency, they are at the same time incompatible with that rational harmonious subordination of the lower to the higher which reason should maintain among our conflicting tendencies and desires (see GOOD). For example, to nourish our bodies is right; but to indulge our appetite for food to the detriment of our corporal or spiritual life is wrong. Self-preservation is right, but to refuse to expose our life when the well-being of society requires it, is wrong. It is wrong to drink to intoxication, for, besides being injurious to health, such indulgence deprives one of the use of reason, which is intended by God to be the guide and dictator of conduct. Theft is wrong, because it subverts the basis of social life; and man’s nature requires for its proper development that he live in a state of society.”
You may consider this a bit of a cop out - but as you can see, my position is setting people’s hair on fire. May I ask if you are a priest or brother?
I’m neither. Why?
It seems I have my work cut-out for me if even the Catholic bible uses the word “homosexual.” (Although the footnote for D points out the Greek says Sodomites.) It seems I can’t take this any further on this website. But I confess I am of two minds - I understand my fellow Catholics jumping to the defense of the church, but I do not understand a near morbid reluctance to investigate a claim of possible errancy. But as I have said, it may be best I continue this somewhere else.
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No offense, but I feel I need a more authoritative member of the church to speak to. I could debate your last reply, but as I have stated, I feel it would be best to continue my work elsewhere. Thanks for the answers.
No offense, but I feel I need a more authoritative member of the church to speak to. I could debate your last reply, but as I have stated, I feel it would be best to continue my work elsewhere. Thanks for the answers.
I’m confused. Two Popes wrote that Catechism you claim to be in error, one of which is Benedict XVI, who is by no means a slouch theologian (granted, at the time, he was Cardinal Ratzinger). But my response is insufficient because I lack the authority you desire?
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What is so wrong with Christian people?
Everytime I see someone being Christianaphobic I start to question the LGBTI community.
Don’t blame God for choosing an active gay lifestyle. Or us for that matter.
To be fair, there are many Christians out there who have taken a less than understanding, and frankly a hurtful (even if unintentionally) approach toward homosexuals. Of course this is an issue with practically all communities, but it’s an issue all the same.
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