What is the best argument to prove the existence of God to Atheists?

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And how many converted? How many just said it was coincidence, reading things in after the facts, or the logic of a conspiracy theory?

Why are people so hung up on proving God? Just believe.
I find that unbelievable that you would ignore 1000’s of eye witness testimonies, 1000’s of recorded miracles many with medical proof, Scientific observations that are testable and provable and repeatable and say there is no proof and then say that a proof would be evolution that has no proof not one fact not none I can’t say that enough not one fact the only fact it has is that all facts disprove it as a ridiculous theory that should have been put to bed years ago with the scientific discoveries of the past century disproving it.
so it comes back to my original statement again that No atheist wants proof that shows them to be wrong.
I put some more to you for a last shot
dinosaurs are not more than 1000’s of years old hence the proof below

NDE Best most modern medical scientific research into the after life see below
the shroud of Turin proven by science to be one of a kind and beyond doubt that it belonged to Jesus as it has been a relic in the church since his Resurrection.
So 3 proofs that show evolution is not how we came about as we have found proof that dinos lived with man hence the soft tissue and art work depicting dinos around the world,next scientific proof of an after life and last the burial clothe of Jesus Christ that is a one of a kind, nothing like it in the world no scientific explanation can tell us how it was done yet the church claimed it to be Christs long before any image was discovered by human eyes.
So I wish you all the best in your life and I hope you have a conversion soon as I would love to talk more with you in Heaven when the time of our testing is over.
And how many converted? How many just said it was coincidence, reading things in after the facts, or the logic of a conspiracy theory?
These conversations took place as a result of Facebook ads. So it would not be likely to know the effect it had on the commenters in question. I believe it did, but to what degree? I do not know. I don’t do these ads expecting to convert the trolls, but to make an impact on the lurkers who are easily swayed by atheistic authority figures.
I didn’t say that. @KJW5551 said that. You got your quotes mixed up.
@fivelinden just off the top of my head:

Pliny the Younger

Again, top of my head. There are others.
Read Trent Horn’s book “Why We’re Catholic”. In the beginning chapters, he provides some good logical evidence as to why God exists. I would quote it, but it’s far too lengthy to post!
There are 1000s of testimonies for homeopathy too. Doesn’t means it actually works. It doesn’t. But your argument about evolution explains the thinking processes behind your belief in miracles also. You accept statements of others, probably authority figures and hold to those beliefs in the face of obvious facts, such as the relationship by descent of all living things.
There are mountains of scientific proofs of God, from Coded DNA to Eucharistic miracles, I have yet to find an atheist with an open mind no matter what evidence you give them, they won’t look at it reasonably. Try winning them over with Love teach them that Love is the reason they have a longing in their souls, teach them that the world follows the enlightenment movement that always end in hate as it is anti gospel tell them if they want to see this then open their eyes and see what is around them for a start last year 450,000 Americans committed suicide, Depression drug abuse anger etc etc are all fruits of enlightenment and the seeds are poison for the soul hence if you reject God you will serve the devil and today we call that devil humanism. etc etc etc. Good luck.
This statement exemplifies the bias that the religious have for unbelievers. Then they wonder why they are met with hostility when encountered.
The first written record of Alexander was 4-5 centuries after his death, that’s why.

The standard you apply to Jesus and only Jesus reveals your intense bias.
There are any number of arguments that do it - First Cause, Desire, and History are the most compelling IMO - and they do it regardless of the audience.

If you mean “what’s the best argument to get people to acknowledge that something’s been proven”, that’s a totally different question with an answer that has very little to do with pure logic.
The first written record of Alexander was 4-5 centuries after his death, that’s why.

The standard you apply to Jesus and only Jesus reveals your intense bias.
Except I have said nothing at all about Jesus as a historical person or applied any standard. It’s best to argue with things others actually say.
You demanded dates of the extra-Biblical sources I mentioned, implying that your standard for historical reliability was early attestation. Well, Tacitus wrote about Jesus in the late 1st century/early 2nd century AD. Is that good enough for you?
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You can attempt to use philosophy as Aquinas did and as many try to replicate in these forums. You can try your hand at history, however, the short-comings for the bible and the traditions are going to do no better at proving your god than those of the Hindus, Native Americans, ancient Romans, or any of the other hundreds of thousands of societies of worship. You can use awe-inspiring human stories or natural phenomena.

In reality, you will not prove anything. If I were willing to make a huge concession, you will get only so far as deism. And to paraphrase Hitch, only with much less eloquence, you would still have all of your work still in front of you to prove that your god cares what food you eat, what day you rest on, who you go to bed with and in what position, etc.
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What about the historical reality of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection? Does that not do anything for you? Because that’s the difference between simple mythology and Christianity; Christians have history on our side.

What do atheists have in their side? The “religion of Atheism”, no less dogmatic than any religion ever to grace the face of the earth.
You demanded dates of the extra-Biblical sources I mentioned, implying that your standard for historical reliability was early attestation. Well, Tacitus wrote about Jesus in the late 1st century/early 2nd century AD. Is that good enough for you?
He wrote nothing in regards to Jesus being a god.
Correct. He was a hostile source, why would he? But what he does do is confirm basic contours of Jesus earthly life. Something that our friend @fivelinden has yet to even acknowledge.
Correct. He was a hostile source, why would he? But what he does do is confirm basic contours of Jesus earthly life. Something that our friend @fivelinden has yet to even acknowledge.
Most respected scholars do not deny the existence as Jesus as a historical person. That still leaves a huge hurdle to climb claiming he is the son of God!
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