What is the Meaning of Your Username?

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I have never read any works by J. R. R. Tolkien. I have seen a couple of movies based on his books. Interesting title for a short story. My curiosity may get the best of me and I will check it out. I know Tolkien was Catholic. Many works by C.S. Lewis are on my reading list too.

The 7 Sorrows Rosary is very nice.

Being a nurse and taking care of people was always what I wanted to be/do when I grew up. It probably is because that from the time I was 3 months to almost 2 years old, I was in and out of the hospital with pneumonia, bronchitis and failure to thrive. One of those admissions, probably at 3 months, the Drs. told my parents to pray as there was nothing further that could be done for me. A St.Jude novena was started at a local shrine and my parents pinned a St. Jude medal to the bed sheets. Obviously I recovered despite of the dire warnings. One of my earliest memories is of a nurse taking me out of my croup tent to comfort and calm me down. It must have been when I was almost 2 since I had stood up in the crib to poke my head out of the tenting. So I studied hard all throughout my school days to accomplish my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse which I achieved in 1969. Hence RN69 is very significant to me. You do the math as to my age!
You can find pre-internet usage of me as “hawk”, and my early internet presence largely had hawk as my login.

Within a few years, though, four letter logins were generally no longer accepted, and as I was close to graduation, I simply started using dochawk.

Then at the new school, the computer couldn’t assign hawk, as it was a substring of two other names in use, do it became dochawk. And it caught on with the students, so it stuck.

Since getting back home, I’ve found that more people call me “doc” than anything else. It started separately in about three different contexts. But once my priest took to addressing me as doc at Communion, I realized I no longer had a name. 😝 :roll_eyes: 🤔
My username is a misspelled version of Sophia Loren’s character in the film Marriage, Italian Style.

She played Filumena Marturano.

It’s also the name of a play by Edoardo De Filippo. Marriage Italian Style was based on the play.
Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6: 6-8)
The “rosary” represents Western Catholicism (and the Catholic Church in general) and the “chotki” represents Eastern Catholicism, my tradition 🙂
Since my joining the internet in 19mumblemumble…I have been and will be pattylt. My first name and my middle and last name initials.

My other username wasn’t appropriate for a Catholic forum and I rarely use it anyway. 😂
  • an ancient manuscript text in book form.
I’ve always been a bit of a book junkie. The older the better.
Its the virtue I seek. Also, I seek the truth knowing I don’t have all the answers.

“Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
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My handle is MrZoom because I go fast in my wheelchair. I used to play wheelchair basketball. ♿
The Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill on December 9, 1531. I’ve always had a special decoration to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I wanted a pseudonym that reflected my Eastern European heritage, but I didn’t want to specify it, being rather wary of telling too much about myself. I thought “Bosko Badovnic” was suggestive of half a dozen or more nationalities, so I went with that. “Badovnic,” I remember, was the name of a guest on one episode of You Bet Your Life, and Groucho Marx, the host, made a lot of jokes out of the fact that the guest came from a town that bore that name and that he had several neighbours there who shared that surname. “Bosko” sounds rather cartoonish, and I love old comics and cartoons, and am sometimes inclined to think of myself as a cartoon character, stuffy though I can be at other times.

Boy, I sure have rambled on for someone who doesn’t like to talk about himself.
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My handle is MrZoom because I go fast in my wheelchair. I used to play wheelchair basketball. ♿
I thought MrZoom had to do with a camera or camera lens like in making a movie and zooming in n the actor or scene.
I chose my username because I like writing with actual quills and bottled ink. It’s a relaxing way to write, when I have the leisure, and I have a collection of writing quills, antique ink bottles, and one antique Victorian dip pen. Most days I just resort to the ol’ laptop, or a regular notebook and ballpoint pen, though.
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No, I don’t pay attention to avatars that much. You always seemed to comment
in Popular Media forum in regards to movies, actors and actresses so I thought
you might be into photography or filming. @MrZoom
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