What is the Meaning of Your Username?

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I am fond of wordplay, and this was basically a pun that reflected my faith, my love of Christmas, and even managed to fit in a sense of camaraderie with other humans who also felt that the world was a bit nuts.

Plus, I know from long experience that usernames will get shortened to the first bit, and it’s nice to be called joy.
Arthur Dimmesdale is a character from The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

He was a preacher who committed adultery and finally found “redemption” at the end of the novel when he showed his true self and died.

Like Dimmesdale, I feel often that most people don’t know the real me, that I have done a lot of foolish and “sinful” things, but I’m trying to keep to the straight and narrow. I wish people knew the real me and not just the way I present myself. Which is not to say I’m an intentional hypocrite, but it’s hard for me to live out from an authentic sense of self. The more I try to be “good” the more phony I at times seem, so it seems to be an unwinnable war betimes. I don’t want to be a jerk but sometimes I am…
in my idle time i like to look at sportscars

metavehicle is just a fancy way of saying “the ultimate car”, or the ideal vehicle.

i could make a Christian or religious connection but it’s a stretch so i’ll leave it simply at that.
I chose my username because I like writing with actual quills and bottled ink. It’s a relaxing way to write, when I have the leisure, and I have a collection of writing quills, antique ink bottles, and one antique Victorian dip pen. Most days I just resort to the ol’ laptop, or a regular notebook and ballpoint pen, though.
Lol! Memories! From second through sixth grades, three days a week we stuck a nibbed wooden pen into a bottle of ink lowered into an inkwell on our desks for writing classes, and we submitted an English essay written in ink each week.

I saw my first ballpoint pen in fifth grade when a sixth grade boy gave me a pink plastic mother-of-pearl combination eversharp and ballpoint for Christmas. 69 years later, I still have it!

New-fangled ink pens with retractable bladders came out when I was in sixth grade, and in seventh, the school board decided we could use those bladder pens and not fool with the wooden pen holders and metal nibs any longer. By freshman year, they approved our using cartridge pens, instead of those dratted bladder pens that often leaked. Although most students had a ball point pen by my freshman year, no teacher allowed them to be used for classes until after I had graduated. 😀
As for my username, my given name begins with an “M.” Although I’ve lived in four other states, I’ve lived most of my years in Indiana and Kentucky. Someone else had already claimed Minky, and someone I loved called me Minx, so Minks it is. 😇
I chose my username because I like writing with actual quills and bottled ink. It’s a relaxing way to write, when I have the leisure, and I have a collection of writing quills, antique ink bottles, and one antique Victorian dip pen.
That must cost a bit of money!
I saw a pun once “J-Walker” to be used as “Someone who walks with Jesus” hence my username and bio.
Your username is confusing me because it is overwhelmingly complicated. It’s very unappreciated.
I was too lazy to think of one, if I can remember correctly. And my name, ‘Rusty Shackleford’ is Dale Gribble’s alias from King of the Hill.
Not more than any other animal, but some birds I really don’t like. Like seagulls. I like eagles, Elks, bears, and I always thought rattle snakes looked cool.
Despite being rather verbose online and in writing, I rarely talk in the real world. I think I maybe speak 20 words a day on average.
Thus, I call myself ImQuiet 😛
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