What is the Meaning of Your Username?

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I took my username from a stuffed animal–a red panda–that I got when I started using the Firefox browser. The emblem for that browser is the red panda, which is also nicknamed Firefox (which is where the browser’s name came from). My stuffed red panda is named Hunho, so that became my usename.
(By the way, the red panda looks nothing like the Giant Panda. To quote from a Wikipedia article on the red panda: “Despite its name, it is not closely related to the giant panda. . . . [It is actually more closely related to] the weasel, raccoon and skunk families.” See my avatar for what a red panda’s face looks like.)
It’s a relaxing way to write, when I have the leisure, and I have a collection of writing quills, antique ink bottles, and one antique Victorian dip pen.
gosh, I wimp out and use fountain pens . . .
metavehicle is just a fancy way of saying “the ultimate car”, or the ideal vehicle.
Oh, I have that in my garage!
Lol! Memories! From second through sixth grades, three days a week we stuck a nibbed wooden pen into a bottle of ink lowered into an inkwell on our desks for writing classes, and we submitted an English essay written in ink each week.
My father is still grumbling, and insisting he was cheated over this.

He spent a year as the only white kid in his class in a hispanic Catholic school

No, it’s not the race thing.

Rather, this was the only school he attended with ink wells in the desk.

OK, and understand that my father’s school behavior was, well . . . he only got suspended once. Well, once in kindergarden . , .

Getting back to the story . . . the reason he felt cheated was that . . . all of the girls already had black ponytails, and there was no point in dipping then!

😱 :crazy_face: 🤣
That must cost a bit of money!
A bottle of ink goes a long way . . .
Your username is confusing me because it is overwhelmingly complicated. It’s very unappreciated.
then I better not tell you his password7. Err, I mean his password . . .
Do you like birds?
particularly when smoked, but broiled and baked aren’t bad, either . . .

😱 :crazy_face: 🤯
I can’t stand sea creatures and can’t eat them at all. Ever.
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
–A. Whitney Brown
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