In quantum mechanics change can occur with no discernible cause. Perhaps the best example of this is radioactive decay, in which the nucleus of an unstable atom will decay by emitting energy in the form of a particle. But this decay is indeterminate, meaning that there’s no way of determining when the decay will occur, or why it occurs. There’s no way of relating a cause to the effect. All that you can be certain of is that it will decay. Perhaps now, perhaps a thousand years from now. At some point in time it will just up and decay. Or to put in terms that Aquinas might be more familiar with, it will change from a state of potentiality, to a state of actuality, with no apparent cause. Which means that Aquinas’ First Way is wrong. Because contrary to his argument, some things can change without the need of something else to cause that change.
This happens because in quantum mechanics there’s something known as quantum indeterminancy. The innate incompleteness in the state of a physical system. It’s not that we simply don’t know the state of the system, it’s that the system can’t be said to have a fixed state. Something else that Aquinas probably wouldn’t have been too keen on. How can something not have a fixed state? It’s either in this state or it isn’t, it can’t be both. But quantum mechanics says that it can. It can be in two states at the same time.
Actually, now that I think about it, Aquinas might’ve been able to relate to quantum indeterminancy, equating indeterminancy to potentiality. It would be interesting to know what Aquinas would think if he were alive today. He would no doubt wonder how that radioactive nucleus can go from a state of potentiality, to a state of actuality, with no apparent cause.
Aquinas was a brilliant guy. Perhaps what we need today, is another Thomas Aquinas.
(As an addendum: Aquinas and Einstein seem to have been of the same mindset. Aquinas believed that every effect must have a cause. And Einstein believed that every action must be local. Two very similar arguments. Quantum mechanics says that two of the most brilliant minds in history, were both wrong. Reality it seems, is no respecter of human reasoning.)
Sorry, I’m rambling again. Which is good for you, because sometimes I say stupid things when I ramble.