I do understand this subtlety. If at times my answers give the impression that I don’t, it’s no doubt due to my inability to clearly articulate my arguments. Feel free to point out any errors, but remember, I ain’t perfect. I make mistakes.Rather, Aquinas is dealing with change in general.
Or to bring it down to my ninth grade level, nothing can move itself. Because in order to move, it must change from a state of potentiality, to a state of actuality. And the only thing that can move it from a state of potentiality, to a state of actuality is something which is itself in a state of actuality. Therefore, nothing can move itself, or can it?Potency cannot actualise itself; it cannot bring itself to act because it is nothing without act.
Aquinas would argue that something cannot be in more than one state, toward the same respect, at the same time. For example, something cannot be both hot and cold. It must be in actuality toward one, and potentiality toward the other. But it can’t be both. Quantum mechanics however, says that it can. A particle can be both spin up, and spin down, at the same time. It can be at point “A” and at point “B” at the same time. So if a particle can be in two opposing states at the same time, can it be in both a state of actuality, and a state of potentiality, at the same time? And if it can, can it move itself?
Not something that Aquinas would’ve considered. But an interesting conundrum. Can a particle move itself?