Thank you for taking the time to answer, and thank you for adding a bit to my thought process. I always find it enriching to find a well reasoned argument, even if it’s not one that I agree with.I hope I have time later to give a fuller response, I will (famous last words). However, I just need to offer a correction. God *is *the designer. I apologize if I went too far in my explanation to have made it sound otherwise. He’s the designer in the analogous sense that he is the musician who is also at the same time the composer of the music, who’s actively involved in keeping it all in existence.
He is not like a clockmaker who created his masterpiece it can continue to run without his involvement.
Now, these are only analogies, as there is room for free will. God doesn’t move everything about as if it’s a robot and he has the controls, but sustains existent beings in such a way that they continue to exist, change, and be directed towards certain ends. But he’s not moving all the pieces on the chessboard. Beings such as ourselves are enabled by God to have our own intentionality and choices. And a Thomist would deny that God knows what will happen without it actually happening first (though that creates another mind bender in that to God there is no before or after, everything that ever is is just before him eternally. All these different temporal moments for us feed in real time into God’s one present that never starts or ends.
Okay, I’m going on to a different topic now. It would be better to stop there, revisit teleology and the fifth way later if I have time, and save God’s eternity for another thread.
Please take as much time as you need to answer.
You’re correct, this does tend to become a temporal puzzle. I can appreciate that absent time, the attributes of designer and design become indistinguishable. The two become in essence, one and the same. So Aquinas’ Fifth Way could perhaps be said to speak both to God’s nature as design, and designer.
This raises so many questions, not the least of which is this, if God is the designer, and the design, and I’m the design made conscious, how am I not God? I realize that there’s a distinction between the nature of the three, but aren’t they each a part of the whole? Like the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Again to clarify, I don’t think I’m God. I just need to ask the question. The problem is, I don’t know the answer.