What is the point of praying?

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I think it depends on what we ask. Remember when Noah asked God to save humanity? When Abram asked to save Sodom? When Moses asked to spare the people God just saved?
Yes, I was mostly in position that we can’t change God’s mind about something so why try. I did not say we would always have our prayers fulfilled nor that we would never have them fulfilled.
But most of my prayer, the vast majority, takes place when I’m walking or riding my bike and is totally casual. I have found that having the body occupied in a way that requires little attention frees the mind.
I’ve found this to be very true about contemplation, but I did not try praying in such way. I will try that, thank you for advice.
I do get responses, constantly, a genuine dialog. So as to your concern that these things may be of Satan, there is only one measuring stick one needs to employ; is this exercise spawning greater love or sowing seeds of doubt. If the latter, one need only shift focus and try again. God does not invite prayer in order to make it difficult. 🙂
Hm… thank you. This kind of cuts deep because some of my latest prayers haven’t brought me closer to God or to love at all… quite the opposite.
This kind of cuts deep because some of my latest prayers haven’t brought me closer to God or to love at all… quite the opposite.
Sometimes all we need is more persistence. It isn’t always going to be the fault of another being. 🙂
Please let me add one more thought. The late Marcus Borg, Episcopal theologian, pastor and professor at Oregon State, put it well when he said that prayer was at it’s roots, a very natural expression of our desire to unite our minds with God. Perhaps that foundation will be of some help. 🙂
I think what was life changing for me was learning of the event that happened at Fatima in 1917. Our Lady asked for prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and peace in this world. When I get up in the morning, all the struggles and difficulties of the day can be united with Christ for this intention. I say too often on here that the little boy in the gospel who offered Christ his few loaves and fish watched as Christ fed the 5 thousand. This is what I think about during the day when things are tough. It’s about what I give Christ at the end of the day and it’s gathered up and put on the altar on Sunday when the priest says ‘may my sacrifice and yours…’ We have the ability to change the course of human history by being aware that the natural can become supernatural. I want to be that little boy and I want to see lives changed.
If you ask Him sincerely to make you a saint, and keep asking He will grant your prayer on your spiritual journey, if you cooperate with the grace He gives you. And then you will truly have His Peace.

Our goal should be to be sanctified by Him. Of course we can also ask him for things that we need in our state of life. Many times we won’t get them instantly…should we be impatient?

The Mercy Devotion prayer is so helpful…“Jesus I trust in You.”
Scripture says things like “ask and you shall be given”, yet we know that more often than not our prayers do not bring us closer to our goals.
That is your point of view, certainly not mine. Depends on your definition of goals and getting closer. The problem is some people expect things to happen quickly. Patience is a virtue.
Depends on your definition of goals and getting closer.
I meant that if we pray for something to happen or not happen more often than not said prayer does not affect the situation.
The problem is some people expect things to happen quickly. Patience is a virtue.
I agree, though there are things that have no meaning if they happen too late. If we pray to end abortions that’s very different than praying for help during an operation for example. Farmers who pray for rain know that rain will eventually come but if it comes in two days crops will already be destroyed.
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If you ask Him sincerely to make you a saint, and keep asking He will grant your prayer on your spiritual journey, if you cooperate with the grace He gives you. And then you will truly have His Peace.
Closer we get more suffering we will experience… more trials and more stumbling blocks will appear. Of course overcoming them is worth it all and needed to be Saints. But Lord did say that He did not come to bring peace but sword. He came to turn son against father, daughter against mother and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. Lord did not come to save the world but to judge it and save those who preserve to the end.
Yes, our trials increase as we draw closer to the Lord, but His grace is sufficient.

The passage about the Lord coming to bring a sword, not peace, etc., was explained to me that we need to put Jesus before anyone else, even our spouse and our loved ones…in the sense that we obey Him (in His Church with regard to faith and morals) even if it means strife. Of course, we need to do this with much prayer and His love.
Its the dark moments in our lives that define us , build character , spiritual growth and is how we learn and gain wisdom not from the happy moments. The sun shines and it pours rain in everyone’s life its how you come out of it that matters. i have always believed you pray for spiritual help for ourself or others not material things. Given time all things change sometimes you just have to wait it out. If God’s going to help you in anyway its going to be spiritually. The reason we believe in Christ is to have eternal life with him not because there is going to be some kind of believed material or social payoff.
Prayer is communication with God.

You keep in communication with those you love and care for, even more important is to communicate with God.
Praying…? Wow, something I do all of the time…He loves me and takes care of me…He sees that I have all that I need…He is my Father, my Creator, and my Destiny! I look outside the window at my little flower bed and see Cannas, Four O’clocks, and other lovely flowers…and there is a green lizard looking for an insect…all created by God and I am so thankful of this beauty! Wow, how wonderfully made!
I’m sure there are many people who would say that they prayed for their spouse, their parent, their kid, to stop drinking or drugs. Nothing changed. Maybe they died without any evidence that they stopped their behavior or had a change of heart.

People can blame God for this situation. We have to remember that we are in a real battle for souls and the devil is real, our stubbornness to stay in sin is real. With that reality, you have the choice to hang on to God even more, or to shrug and say ‘what’s the point’ and drift off into the darkness. Hang on and think this is the Superbowl of champions, and this is our time to shine. No one gets to sit on the sidelines in this one. The saints are in the stands cheering us on, shouting to us to keep our focus. There’s going to be a lot of hits, players carried off with injuries. There are less of us and we’re banged up too. Don’t walk off and think you don’t matter. We all matter tremendously.
People can blame God for this situation.
And God knows the heart. I’ve witnessed people whose reaction to the unanswered prayer was to blame God (even though God does not owe us anything), fall away and even become anti-Catholic. And my thinking is: God knew all along such people would do this, so his decision regarding their prayer was perfectly wise.
i have always believed you pray for spiritual help for ourself or others not material things.
Yes but if God is absolutely good He would give us and others help even without our prayer if it was good. If it wasn’t not a million Rosaries would compel God to help.
The passage about the Lord coming to bring a sword, not peace, etc., was explained to me that we need to put Jesus before anyone else, even our spouse and our loved ones…
I see. I took passage more literally and it really helps to know that God’s absolute intent was to bring chaos and suffering to free us. If he came to destroy and spread war, death and pestilence then fact he lets me suffer isn’t anything in comparison to that. My right to complain does not exist in virtue of that interpretation of the passage… but yes it is private interpretation, something I can not be sure about.
We express our total dependence on him with adoration which develops humility.
We can do that without asking God for something. God’s will does not change and us asking him is posed as us wanted to change His will. I understand thankful prayers or contemplative ones or ones that build relationships, but asking God leads nowhere unless scenario described above (thing becomes absolutely good if we ask for it not without it).
You keep in communication with those you love and care for, even more important is to communicate with God.
Yes, but if I ask my loved ones for help it is much different than asking God. With asking them I provide them with information and opportunity to help. God doesn’t need that to act because He already has it.
Don’t walk off and think you don’t matter. We all matter tremendously.
We are ash and to ash we shall turn. We are nothing. If I fail to fulfill my role in God’s plan He will manage with different plan. He replaced Jews, his firstborn nation because they failed (parable about vineyard owner).
And my thinking is: God knew all along such people would do this, so his decision regarding their prayer was perfectly wise.
Wouldn’t God want them to stay in the Faith rather than leave? If God loves them and staying in the Faith is important, why sacrifice their soul for that?
That suggests to me you aren’t listening enough for God’s responses.
I don’t feel like my prayer is one-sided.
You are probably right. I have no idea how to listen. I tried remaining silent but that often just puts me to sleep (even in the morning or during the day). How do I listen?
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23A long time passed, during which the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned under their bondage and cried out, and from their bondage their cry for help went up to God.g 24God heard their moaning and God was mindful of his covenanth with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 25God saw the Israelites, and God knew….19
On the one hand I see what you are saying. God had already planned on delivering the Israelites from Egypt. So what role did their moaning play in God appearing to Moses in the burning bush?

We know God had already planned to deliver Israel because Moses was already set apart.

On the other hand it specifically says God heard their moaning & because of it was moved to help them, not only here, but several places it is specifically stated. Why, if not to instruct us our prayers do matter? Maybe not to change God’s will, but to act on His will?

We can do that without asking God for something. God’s will does not change and us asking him is posed as us wanted to change His will. I understand thankful prayers or contemplative ones or ones that build relationships, but asking God leads nowhere unless scenario described above (thing becomes absolutely good if we ask for it not without it).
There are multiple ways to express humility, but adoration was not presented as the only way. Now, as to asking, we are instructed to do so in the Gospel, for example:

Matthew 6
8 Be not you therefore like to them, for your Father knoweth what is needful for you, before you ask him.
9 Thus therefore shall you pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen.
Matthew 7
11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
John 15
7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will, and it shall be done unto you.
8 In this is my Father glorified; that you bring forth very much fruit, and become my disciples.
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