Yes, I was mostly in position that we can’t change God’s mind about something so why try. I did not say we would always have our prayers fulfilled nor that we would never have them fulfilled.I think it depends on what we ask. Remember when Noah asked God to save humanity? When Abram asked to save Sodom? When Moses asked to spare the people God just saved?
I’ve found this to be very true about contemplation, but I did not try praying in such way. I will try that, thank you for advice.But most of my prayer, the vast majority, takes place when I’m walking or riding my bike and is totally casual. I have found that having the body occupied in a way that requires little attention frees the mind.
Hm… thank you. This kind of cuts deep because some of my latest prayers haven’t brought me closer to God or to love at all… quite the opposite.I do get responses, constantly, a genuine dialog. So as to your concern that these things may be of Satan, there is only one measuring stick one needs to employ; is this exercise spawning greater love or sowing seeds of doubt. If the latter, one need only shift focus and try again. God does not invite prayer in order to make it difficult.