What is the point of praying?

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I think you have a misconception of prayer and God.

He is indeed all mighty, all good and all perfect, however someone who thinks they will obtain all they want from God through prayer is clearly using God for their own selfish interests.

Have you ever met someone who constantly seeks you to help solve a problem, however once it is solved you never again know anything about them ?

It just proves we only care about us and our own interests, however it become impossible then to develop any meaningful relationship with anyone, if we stick to that mentality.

Secondly, we know God can use any difficulties which we might be experiencing at any level, to bring forth good and even save souls (ours included). Everybody (both believers and non-believers) experience their own crosses, since no one always get all they want, however some with the help of God use that to become powerful allies of Him to bring forth good, which we might only know later on.

The most obvious example of this mechanic is Christ´s crucifixion, which it is by far the greatest injustice in all of human history, however God used it masterfully to bring forth our redemption and open for us the gates of Heaven.

Remember our difficulties no matter how hard they are will one day cease to exist, and we will eventually, with our collaboration as well as God’s grace be able to reach Heaven, where evil and suffering no longer exist. So God is indeed wanting us to be happy forever with Him, that is the reason why He created us and more importantly redeemed us.

True praying is a struggle, the devil, our own weakness and the many distractions of the world make it difficult, however start by saying small simple prayers during the day, specially try to find the time to in as much silence as possible, pray to God and little by little it will become easier, just like breathing.
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He is indeed all mighty, all good and all perfect, however someone who thinks they will obtain all they want from God through prayer is clearly using God for their own selfish interests.
I mostly went to another extreme. My point was largely involved about “why ask at all” kinda thing. I agree with everything you have said. Thank you for great post.
God Bless, in regard to the necessity of prayer, there is no question this is a clear commandment of Christ to His followers (and therefore to us as Catholics).

Prayer is necessary for salvation. It is a distinct precept of Christ in the Gospels (Matt., vi, 9; vii, 7; Luke, xi, 9; John, xvi, 26; Col., iv, 2; Rom., xii, 12; I Pet., iv, 7). Without prayer we cannot resist temptation, nor obtain God’s grace, nor grow and persevere in it.

Both the righteous person needs it to persevere as well as the evil person to be able to convert.

Plus let’s not forget the greatest good you could possibly do for someone (ourselves included) is helping them get to Heaven, and avoid both Hell as well as the Purgatory.
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Hey everyone, I have a question regarding prayer. Scripture says things like “ask and you shall be given”, yet we know that more often than not our prayers do not bring us closer to our goals. I thought about this for a long time and I came to somewhat of a stalemate…
Faith is a requisite…
Part of praying for things is, I admit, sometimes wishful thinking and longing, but also trying to navigate your desires and orient them towards God’s will. For instance, you could pray for something for years and then figure out it isn’t what you want or need anymore or it doesn’t fit with how your life has developed. I was praying for a husband forever and now I find myself content with my singlehood. God may grant my prayer for a husband but I think the bigger lesson was I need to find joy where I’m at, on my own.

Part of praying for other people is keeping mindful of others and to think outside of ourselves. There is no guarantee that God will grant the grace I desire for another but my prayers for others take me outside of my self centeredness and allow me to love in a special way.
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SORROW - runs deep - It’s when at the heart level - one expresses one’s Sorrow to God for fully realized disObedience to God


Asking God for something…
“… but not according to my will, Father, but in accordance with Thy Will.”

God Loves to give of Himself.
You openly and honestly realize you lack, e.g. Wisdom (a part ofGod)
Ask - in Faith that it shall be given - and with no Doubt.
Asking God for something…
“… but not according to my will, Father, but in accordance with Thy Will.”
So we ask God that He does His will? I mean God is God, He will always do His will even without us asking and we won’t change that.
God Loves to give of Himself.
You openly and honestly realize you lack, e.g. Wisdom (a part ofGod)
Ask - in Faith that it shall be given - and with no Doubt.
More faith we have that it will be given more pride we have… and that tends to be our downfall. God has His will and will do His will regardless of what we ask. Even with perfect faith if I asked God to do something contrary to His will then He would not do it (and vice versa). God rules over us not we over Him.
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So we ask God that He does His will? I mean God is God,
He will always do His will even without us asking and we won’t change that.
Yes and it would help you to understand if you’ll but get to Know the Gospel

Well, Since Jesus - Messiah of All - prayed to His Father in that exact manner,
Yes… so we too should be just as Humble before God… 🙂
  1. JESUS THEN CAME with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane. He said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there to pray.’ He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee. Anguish and dismay came over him, and he said to them, ‘My heart is ready to break with grief. Stop here, and stay awake with me.’ He went on a little, fell on his face in prayer, and said, 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by. Yet not as I will, but as thou wilt.'
  2. He came to the disciples and found them asleep; and he said to Peter, 'What! Could none of you stay awake with me one hour?
  3. Stay awake, and pray that you may be spared the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’
  4. He went away a second time, and prayed: 'My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to pass me by without my drinking it, thy will be done.'
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‘My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to pass me by without my drinking it, thy will be done.’
That brings memories. I remember last time I prayed that way and included “but thy will over mine”. I’ll have to do some serious praying tonight. Thanks.
That brings memories. I remember last time I prayed that way and included “but thy will over mine”. I’ll have to do some serious praying tonight. Thanks.
Yes… Done with one’s heart - it exudes the Respect due to God.

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