Inadequate infrastructure, water, food, housing, healthcare, air quality, etc: it can all be scapegoated on the idea that there’s too many people. All of the ingenuity and creativity and work ethic and reform and most of all charity can be instantly vaporized under the argument that things would supposedly be easier if there were just fewer bodies. It diverts the issue away from the things that are actually hurting people and subsequently cause societal problems: corruption, pride, avarice, hypermaterialism, etc
What concerns me about the arguments of those who say overpopulation is not a serious issue is that, like this comment, it restricts itself to the room to house people, feed people, and keep people healthy.
What it ignores is the devastating effect the growth of human population has has on the rest of the natural world. How many creatures must vanish, how many more trees must be felled, how many species must vanish because of the expansion of Man?
Not to mention the effect on the very climate of the planet.