What is the use of praying if God is immutable?

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I see, Bahman. It seems apparent now, since you know that God is immutable you do not have hope for anything – you believe that your beliefs “bond” or give you “unity” with God? Since you have no hope – or more properly said “Have given up hope in favor of radical acceptance,” you do not pray because you believe that to do such would be a kind personal “bad faith.”
Consider this rephrasing of Jean Paul Sartre, the French existentialist philosopher, on bad faith:
“By sticking with the safe, easy, default ‘choice’ and failing to recognise the multitude of other choices that are available to him, a person places himself at the mercy of the circumstances in which he happens to find himself.”

I don’t deny the possibility that you have had the good fortune to not need hope of anything. After all, who hopes for what he already has? And if you see everything is of equal value and utility, then no one can argue against your rejection of hope for earthly things because your reasoning provides everything at a glance.

But certainly you must acknowledge a preference for joy and love over misery?
If you also acknowledge that Heaven is incomparable joy itself, then what on earth
enters you into contemplation of that joy?
As Catholics we have our cherished symbols.

If you feel that you have no need to hope for heaven and thus no need to pray for it because it will happen for you without effort eventually, and you care not especially for its foretasted joys; then the real question is not of God’s impassibility, but of how to maintain your own good grace.

One way to do that is by praying for others; because this is not only what should be done according to the authority of Jesus, but because it reminds us among many things that we are possibly only one misfortune away from losing our cool, and thus our grace.

Your ‘no need for hope and prayer’ stance might work temporarily for you, but no one knows when circumstances will change; and such a worldview is not suitable either as a plan for social organization.
Very true.
Very wonderfully stated.
Especially in view of Luke 12:27
(that one could know what you know and still hope…)

It’s not about use. Use is for objects.
He loves to hear from me. I love to hear from him. That’s why I pray.
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