When you say that from a scientific point of view there is no explanation, don’t you mean that from your current understanding of the science at the time there is no explanation? . . .
This may point to a fundamental difference in the way you and I view the world. The more I learn, the greater the mystery. Each explanation demands more.
Let’s take this moment.
To explain it in the minimalest fashion requires my accessing everything I know about everything.
But, I am going to try to keep this brief.
You are reading these words.
As I address this fact, your experience changes.
You may focus on your internal understanding, the words on the screen and/or some other aspect of the physical/mental/spiritual reality which is this rather one-sided communication.
If I mention that you are seated, your focus will be on the pressure the chair is exerting on your butt.
There is a shift in experiences which we can call gestalts (because that is what they are called). These are psychological phenomena.
These words and the ideas they are trying to convey are being comprehended in some manner or another. Since we are physical beings, these are neurological events.
We can understand the shifts in attention we were experiencing as involving the totality of the brain and particular structures including the thalamus, the anterior cingulate, the prefrontal cortex, and let us not forget, the cerebellum.
Variations in the functioning of these areas of the brain can correspond to deficiencies in attention.
There is one person, and that person can be described according to his mental or physical structure.
We could go further in our imagination with this dissection of physical reality, proceeding from the concept of the brain as being a biological matrix more complex than the rest of the universe, and consider it as a biochemical event involving the much acclaimed DNA, RNA, proteins such as serotonin and dopamine, processes like the Krebs cycle and so forth.
We haven’t spoken at all about about the technology, the physical nature of the monitor, of light, all that physically is involved in the relationship we are having as participants within the physical universe.
Just scratching the surface, with this quick overview, you should be getting the sense that this is getting weirder and weirder.
I am talking about our just sitting here, trying to communicate. It is utterly, totally, FREAKING AMAZING!!!
And, what of our just sitting here. We can elicit a mental image of this location within the context of the whole, using the GPS of the point of reference that is our self, which is always “here”.
When is this? Clearly it is now, undeniably. How big would you say is this now. Let’s pull out a stop watch and measure. Click. Hmm, still now. The hand is moving around while the now just seems to be. Time is passing. I look at what I’ve written, you look at what you’ve read. Things are definitely changing for sure. I could say that this moment started when I thought about it, but clearly that’s where I seem to be all the time. In fact when I fear death, I fear losing the moment. I, as a physical body, am in time and time will swallow it all up. But now, I am outside time.
The moment is not so much a “what” as it is a “who”.
And, this who exists as part of and in relation to all else that is.
And, all that is, exists in relation to He who is Relationally, who is Love, who is in all things as their Creator.
If you want to know Him all you have to do is ask.
Be prepared that it will be a difficult process as all that is keeping you from Him will have to be burned away.
If you have been waiting, that is what the waiting is all about.