Everyone here already knows that the Koran denies that Jesus is God, and denies the doctrine of the Trinity. (that maybe so but the everyone you are speaking of is still very confused about the issue of kissing the Qur’an. No matter what spin the modernist/liberals put on it, you cannot justify kissing the Qur’an by a Pope. Sorry.)
Abraham didn’t know about Jesus. Are you saying that Abraham worshipped a different God than you and I do? No, he just didn’t know all of the qualities and attributes of God (That is because God decided the time of the Messiah). Same with the Muslims (No not the same, Muslims know of Yeshua the Christ very well, but deny him outright).
Cannot compare the two situations. The God of Abraham is the Trinity.
Islam knows of the Christ and denies him.
Have you forgotten?:
**1 St John 2:22 **
Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ?
This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son.
I have better questions for you:
s the Most Holy Trinity = Allah?
Do you realize there have been Catholic martyrs because they refused to kiss the Qur’an and were beheaded?
In 2001 John Paul II kissed the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, and said “I receive the word of God.” This was meant as a sign of respect. However what it does in fact is an affront to Christ and to His martyrs. For example, when the first Franciscan martyrs were killed by the Almohad caliph in Spain they were given a few options:
- They could convert to Islam
- They could marry some beautiful women the Sultan had brought before them, since celibacy is despised in Islam
- They just needed to kiss the Qur’an and they could return to their own country. The Franciscan protomartyrs, refused all of these, and were martyred for the faith.
Contrast that with John Paul II who under no such pressure, kissed the Qur’an of his own volition, the exact opposite of the martyrs. He could have condemned American action in Iraq and even given Islam “respect” (which it scarcely deserves) without this offensive action. The Qur’an is a pack of lies and always has been, for if it is otherwise our Scriptures can not be true. It is just a matter of logic. The Qur’an condemns Christians and Jews to hell, and demands we be placed in subjection to Muslim overlords with second class citizenship in order to live. This is still the case for unfortunate Christians and Jews living in Muslim countries.
Do you know of St Francis of Assisi?
*In 1219 Francis left, together with a few companions, on a pilgrimage of non-violence to Egypt. Crossing the lines between the sultan and the Crusaders in Damietta, he was received by the sultan Melek-el-Kamel.
Francis challenged the Muslim scholars to a test of true religion by fire; but they retreated. When Francis proposed to enter the fire first and,
if he left the fire unharmed, the sultan would have to recognize Christ as the true God, the sultan was so impressed that he allowed him to preach to his subjects. Though he didn’t succeed in converting the sultan, the last words of the sultan to Francis of Assisi were, according to Jacques de Vitry, bishop of Acre, in his book “Historia occidentalis, De Ordine et praedicatione Fratrum Minorum (1221)” : “Pray for me that God may deign to reveal to me that law and faith which is most pleasing to him.”.
*No Qur’an kissing here. Now this is a Saint.
Do you think this saint and others like the Great St Peter should have, if given the opportunity, Kiss the Qur’an
or preach Christianity and Convert others?
Oh yeah:
Is the Most Holy Trinity = Allah?
JP2 :Mai Santo!