What is wrong with the One World Order?

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The loss of individual freedom.

Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Power will attract those with power-lust. Then people with deep pockets will know who they have to pay off to get what they want.

The example and teaching of Jesus was servant-leadership.

Learn about the principle of subsidiarity where more centralized governmental agencies do not usurp the authority of governmental agencies closer to the people.

Read the recent disturbing open letter of Archbishop Vigano to Pres. Trump on the subject of the ‘great reset.’ Vigano was formerly the nuncio (Vatican ambassador) to the US.

Some people who I admire as ethical, but not overtly religious, have written well on the terrible danger of the great reset.

Dr Joseph Mercola who usually sticks to topics related to natural medicine, not socio-political matters.

Dr. Chris Martenson whose COVID related health videos on Youtube (PeakProsperity) are excellent! He summarizes various medical studies and critiques statements by health authorities.

Much of this is related to mandatory vaccination with enormous financial opportunities for Big Pharma and friends. They create a much bigger crisis than really exists in order to get people to give up their freedom and dignity to godless, power-hungry socialists and godless profit-hungry corporations.

The Nuremburg trials after WWII come to mind where Hitler’s people along with some cooperative Big Pharma executives were prosecuted. The Pharma execs setup shop near the concentration camps.

There is some speculation about the motivation of Bill Gates who likes to pretend he is a humanitarian but his history suggests otherwise.

I read that Gates’ Microsoft has technology that will read the residue left behind by special vaccines so to ensure that a person has been vaccinated. How many billions of devices will be needed worldwide? Sorry I can’t find the link : (


Catholic Bioethics Center on the subject of COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines — The National Catholic Bioethics Center

In contrast we hear almost nothing about the huge amount of vitamin D deficiency around the world with apparent major implications for fighting SARS2/COVID-19.

According to a Spanish study, 82.2% of COVID-19 patients tested were found to be deficient in vitamin D

A study of hospitalized COVID patients in Spain reported that vitamin D treatment nearly eliminated the need for ICU admission! (2% treated vs 50% untreated)

Instead of mandatory elimination of vitamin D deficiency they want mandatory vaccines$$.

Godless people don’t care about humanity. They care about increasing their power and money.

If we don’t respond strongly we will end up like the people of Malawi described above.
Just an fwiw the EU and the US foreign aid are essentially equal at $50 billion (within millions) however per GDP the EU gives far less than the US. One would think given your criteria you would favor the US. Though I think 1% of GDP in the US could be higher. Most people believe it is. That’s 100 billion between the 2 with the US leading as part of GDP.

But our foreign aid currently is hampered by the left wanting the US to provide aid for abortions abroad to minority countries (people of color) personally I have a problem targeting particular nationalities populations unlike the left.

I would suggest more research
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As an extension of you plan and given the above how much do you think the Congo should give under you model. (That’s a trick question, think coltan)
Ok one more monkey wrench, there is a third model of United governments you’ve neglected to mention OPEC, and they supposedly share the wealth with the people. How is that working out with regard to poverty?

And one last model of cooperative states, which failed miserably, using a similar model, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist States) the EU is at least successful for copying the US and capitalism.

But it too has many more issues, starting with a non existent Supreme Court, meaning one could never have a brown vs board of education etc.
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There is nothing Biblical about the New World Order or the Great Reset. It couldn’t be further from God’s plan for us. It’s based on Luciferianism - the worship of mankind, breaking down all societies and sovereign governments to create one united government with unelected leaders in charge.


Who will control this world? The global elites who are already in power. Heads of state, monarchies, owners of huge companies and organizations, politicians and those who have acquired great wealth, willing to fund this movement.

The middle class will be eliminated. Instead the population will be greatly reduced to under 2 billion (we’re at 7 billion now), through disease, famine (caused by ‘climate activists’, war, abortion, sterilizing people by injecting them with drugs to halt puberty, birth control that can be administered remotely, etc.

We’ll be left with 2 classes - those in charge (the same families who have been in control for a very long time) and those enslaved. The world government will own all property, factories, businesses and will control all of the money & its value.

Religion will be forbidden, churches destroyed because it is believed they belief in God is an “opiate” to the mind, allowing people to escape from the world and all of your energy should be focused on the government. They even refer to it as a version of necrophilia.

The Roman Catholic Church in the 1937 encyclical Divini Redemptoris referred to communism as a “satanic scourge,” a “truly diabolical” instrument of the “sons of darkness.

It’s packaged as “socialism” but socialism is just a phase until the ultimate goal of communism and world domination is achieved.

When you see all that’s going on right now, frame it with the facts that it’s not what it seems, the motivation always goes back to decreasing the population, making that population compliant and enslaved to serve the elite.
The “law” that i have mentioned is God’s law that we love our neighbors and return good for evil. Retaliation is contrary to that law, but it is a fundamental of the MAD doctrine. I believe that our creator is offended by our construction of a fleet of nuclear armed ICBMs, and that He will arrange circumstances that will force the USA and Russia to engage in a global nuclear war. God will do this as His way of teaching us the necessity of obeying His law.

This world is not an end unto itself; it exists to educate souls as to Heaven’s laws. For without obedience to those laws, no soul can remain in that Kingdom.
What is actually insane is continuing on the present course of relying on “deterrence” and the MAD protocol for our safety.
Why do you say that?? It’s worked since WW2 ended. We can’t uninvent the bomb.
By all means CAF, ignore centuries of constant conflict culminating in two world wars and pretend that the U.N. and EU were created by scheming Marxist capitalist oligarch anarchists so that by the time their grand kids were alive they could oppress you in some unclear theoretical manner…
Well, the U.S. has reduced its number of land based ICBM’s from 1,000 in the 1960’s down to 400 today, so at least that’s progress. Not sure about Russia. But China is the one I would worry about.
Look at the men and women who have tried. Despots each and every one. Inevitably, it leads to gross violations of human dignity, the subjugation of the individual to the state and eventually, a blood bath.

As it turns out, God grants us far more freedom than man does. God does that knowing whether we will use our freedom in a moral or immoral manner. Mankind does not allow such freedom, as mankind rejects both God and freedom, seeking power to assuage their insatiable egos. Interestingly, such despotic leaders always allow themselves tremendous freedom.
What i worry about are the predictions of Scripture which seem to describe the effects of a global nuclear war. Were it not for these, i would not be advocating unilateral nuclear disarmament.
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By all means CAF, ignore centuries of constant conflict culminating in two world wars and pretend that the U.N. and EU were created by scheming Marxist capitalist oligarch anarchists so that by the time their grand kids were alive they could oppress you in some unclear theoretical manner…
you are twisting history to suit your narrative.

The League of Nations, UN, EU etc all had noble justifications when they were formed. But that doesn’t equal them growing into those noble aspirations. Many a good cause is coopted by sub groups with an agenda. The UN Human Rights Council is an excellent example, China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia and Uzbekistan (all notorious for abusing human rights) should not be helping run the council.

And in many areas they can fail but still do some net good. They haven’t/can’t fix the problems that cause famine, but they do deliver basic food stocks in a crisis.
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What is actually insane is continuing on the present course of relying on “deterrence” and the MAD protocol for our safety.
Why do you say that?? It’s worked since WW2 ended. We can’t uninvent the bomb.
Of course not, but we can certainly divest ourselves of these evil devices. If nothing else, we can ship them all to Russia and take our chances under the Russian nuclear umbrella.
If you keep researching this question in good faith and with open mind you’ll find the answer very quickly. It’s actually right under your nose, but you won’t want to admit it. It took me a couple months, and after that it was obvious everywhere I looked, and today doesn’t even make me uncomfortable anymore. The control was always there and still is, but at least now I’m spiritually and intellectually free so that when I render unto Caesar, I only give him the very minimum due and no more.
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Of course not, but we can certainly divest ourselves of these evil devices. If nothing else, we can ship them all to Russia and take our chances under the Russian nuclear umbrella.
Why give them to Russia? Wouldn’t China like some as well?
Of course not, but we can certainly divest ourselves of these evil devices. If nothing else, we can ship them all to Russia and take our chances under the Russian nuclear umbrella.
You do realize this isn’t supposed to be a satire thread, right?
I can think of some potential criticisms for the idea of a one world government.

The first is the elitist mentality. I think many resent the idea that someone who is more capable of making decisions, should, be running your life. I unfortunately have come to think humanity is quite far from being being able to govern each other completely benevolently. I respect authority and its position, however, once authority is established the trend, in my view, seems to be towards a sense of disorder, lassitude, self concern, and an increasing divergence from concern for those they are supposed to be governing.

I think in the US we are starting to see this with the criticisms of the “ruling class”, a class which is increasingly disconnected from mainstream society, itself isolated from concerns of those whom they have authority over.

I have seen this regrettably in academia, which itself is often the primary the gateway to any position of authority in our society. I’m certainly not against education, I think education can be a wonderful thing, primary to a healthy society. However in my personal experience the current state of higher education was one of, itself, the more rigid of environments. This isn’t to say all higher education is this way, but in my experience classrooms on college campuses (I’ve been to 4) are not a place of questioning and challenging ideas. I have many friends who have advanced degrees, I’ve often found “sticking to ones principles”, even infrequently, can be a hindrance to success in an academic environment. The most recent statistic I heard regarding the academic distribution of liberal:conservative professors has been steadily increasing since the 1950s (since data collection began), and currently stands at 50:1. This to me is almost appalling, considering that the population itself is much closer to 1:1. I really can’t come to any kind of healthy conclusion for this kind of disparity.

So In conclusion (before I digress too much and write an unreadable novel ) I think our current state is far from being able to support a one world government. And I’m concerned that we aren’t self aware enough to even recognize our own insufficiencies. I believe this is where humility comes into play. And unfortunately in our current state I think we have a long distance to go before considering a one world government a healthy idea for all people’s. That’s not to say there couldn’t be some benefit however, depending on the form it takes.
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Of course not, but we can certainly divest ourselves of these evil devices. If nothing else, we can ship them all to Russia and take our chances under the Russian nuclear umbrella.
You do realize this isn’t supposed to be a satire thread, right?
I am absolutely serious. The consequences of taking my recommended action might be negative, but that is not proven. What is carved in stone is that the end result of continuing on the present course of MAD will be a global nuclear war.
We must start to believe the dire warnings of our ancient prophets in Jewish Scripture.
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