I have said that there is only room in this world for one nuclear armed superpower. Obeying the Law by giving up our nuclear bombs would lead to that situation. A nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia cannot then occur.
And what is wrong with doing as our currency proclaims: “In God We Trust?” (maybe we don’t really trust in Him as much as we say that we do…)
I’m all for a giving all the nukes to the Pope. However, I’m not all in favor for giving all the nukes to an organization that reports to no one.
At the moment, there is ZERO way the UN could safely defend all the nukes and keep them from being controlled by a madman. If all the Nukes are controlled by one person or group, it gives said person or group the ability to unilaterally wipe out any nation they see fit to destroy.
If nuclear war was predicted by ancient Jewish texts, it doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be an atheistic, “One World Government” doing it. No one said nuclear war has to be nation vs. nation.
The reason the Church NEVER set up one European Government seated in Rome at the height of the Church’s secular power is because the Church understands that governments are better and more accountable when they are closer to their people.
When you can drive to your Capital and meet with your representatives in person, it makes them far more accountable.
The reason the UN would never be accountable to anyone is because there is only one representative from each country. No American, Englishman, Canadian, Australian, etc. would be able to simply make an appointment with their Ambassador to the UN and discuss issues.
This is why the UN becoming an “one world government” is a horrible idea.
There is only ONE way an One World Government makes any sense:
**** If, and only if, aliens from outer space land on the White House lawn or in St. Peter’s Square to make their presence known to the whole world.***
Only as part of an
United Federation of Planets does an One World Govt make any sense, because then if I don’t like the “United Earth’s” govt, I can move to Mars, Alpha Centauri, or move in with Spock on Vulcan.
Subsidiarity - it’s a Catholic doctrine, which the atheistic “One World Government” inherently violates.