What is your Confirmation name?

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Therese “The Little Flower”

I chose her because as a child I loved her* “Little Way” * and still do.Believe it or not, back then she had not been canonized all that long when I learned of her. I spent a few weeks one summer staying at a Carmelite run nursing home visiting my great Aunt. The nun’s were wonderful to be around and they let me help around the nursing home. At any rate, each day I would pass the big portrait of her in the hallway and from there I just fell in love with her. The nuns taught me about her and it was an easy choice that she would be my Patron Saint.

I have even received Rose’s which bloomed in my patio garden one December even though the patio was buried in snow drifts . 🙂 It was a special comfort at a time I had lost a family member and I know God let her touch the rose bush just for me to let me know it was ok!
I was seven years old when I was confirmed. My confirmation name is Joyce and I have no idea why. I have never found information on a St. Joyce, do not know if there was a St. Joyce. This would have been back in 1964 when names were aprroved, so who is Joyce?

God bless,
St. Joyce is an Americanized spelling I suspect is why you have not found it. The name belonged to a 7th-century Breton saint. It can be spelled several ways. Joceus or Jodocus in Latin. Jodus (Josse)

Here is the information on him.

St. Josse
I don’t have one. When I went thru RCIA, someone asked if we should choose a confirmation name & we were told “No, no one does that anymore.” I had no clue what they were talking about anyway.

But now my 14 yo daughter is being confirmed and they are choosing confirmation names…different parish.
My experience exactly! I would have chosen Naaman (the leper).
I teach the confirmation class, at our parish, and each year a few of our kids pick double names. Also every year one or two pick a name of a saint of the opposite gender, a saint they really admire. Both practices are allowed, however when I made my confirmation, in 1967, we were told we had to choise a neme of our own gender.

P.S.: I still would have taken St. Joseph, as my confirmation name.
Peter Paul? Sounds good to me. A guy named Karol thought John Paul was OK.

At the time, my favorite teacher was Sister Delphine, who taught us Religion. When I asked if I could choose Delphine, I was told I’d have to go with Delphinius…
Ah, but monks are often known as Brother Mary Whatever – and Sisters are called “Sister James.” Why not take the name of your patron “straight up” so to speak. It’s a CONFIRMATION name – not one you have to explain every time you sign a check!

At the time, my favorite teacher was Sister Delphine, who taught us Religion. When I asked if I could choose Delphine, I was told I’d have to go with Delphinius…
I’m not familar with this taking a second name at Confirmation can anyone give me some background info on this as I may need it for my confirmation (will I even have one?) when I convert.
I chose Ann after St. Ann. It was the only saints name that fit with my middle name which is Lou.

Hey all, how’s it all going! long time reader, first time writter. I finished the RCIA classes in April. I chose Christopher after my brother, and I drive a city bus taking people here, there, and almost everywhere. I feel like I have a big weight on my shoulders when I have more than six people on my bus, (there small buses) I love my job, something new and different almost everyday.

Jesus Rocks! satan sucks
Mary Terese…just cuz I liked it.

Being catechized in the '70s I had no idea that a confirmation name was supposed to mean anything. We were just told to pick one if we wanted.
Joan, because I wanted the name of a woman who was strong and unconventional, this was in the 50s by the way, before feminism, our sex was still silent, also because that is the name of my guardian angel.
Carol Theresa:
Bernadette - I loved the stories the nuns at the Catholic grade school I attended would tell of Our Lady’s apparitions. Thanks be to God…a few years ago I did get to visit Lourdes and also the convent at Nevers, France the site of St. Bernadette’s incorrupt body.
A blessing upon you, … Saint Bernadette is truely one of the " gentle souls " in Paradise. My Confirmation name? Michael… " who is like unto God " ?
My confirmation name is Maelmhuire. It is Irish Gaelic and is pronounced *male muira. *It means *Devotee of Mary. *
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