What is your Confirmation name?

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Oh, how I wish my CCD teacher had been a little more in tune. I had no idea who any of the saints were, and the prettiest name I could think of was “Celeste!” I pictured all the heavens! She said it was OK.

So, who’s my patron saint?! :confused:

Oh, how I wish my CCD teacher had been a little more in tune. I had no idea who any of the saints were, and the prettiest name I could think of was “Celeste!” I pictured all the heavens! She said it was OK.

So, who’s my patron saint?! :confused:

Perhaps Pope St. Celestine:
St. Paul. I am still happy with the choice, even though I was barely Catholic then and I am a Protestant now (for now anyway).

St. Paul has always been the biggest inspiration to me as far as saint go.

St. Bernadette becasue she too suffered from asthsma, and lived in a tiny house.

But I would of had Blessed Kateri Tekawaitha had she been made a saint because her feast day is on my birthday
Joan for Joan of Arc. So I can be brave when I need to be brave.
Question on Confirmation names…

What happens if one chooses the name of a saint with a surname? What becomes his confirmation name? E.g. Thomas Aquinas. Is it Thomas or Aquinas or Both? Is it the person’s choice which one? Just wondering.
St. Francis of Assisi. I chose it only because I was in 7th grade and my mom said it is a good idea to pick the name that was already your middle name. (I don’t know why)

A little miracle though - my birthday is Oct. 4 and that year there was a mass said for St. Francis. I had no idea.
That day is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, how fortunate! Mine is also St. Francis. I think I chose well because in addition to Sr. Francis of Assisi there is St. Francis De Sales and St. Francis Xavier.
St Æthelwold. He was a bishop, instrumental in the tenth centure revival of monasticism in England, and an able administrator. I reasoned that I am unlikely to levitate while saying mass or baptize 100,000 indians, and if I am to be made a saint, it will be because I have been diligent in my office…
Mine was St. Louis De Montfort. He mirrored my love for Our Lady, etc.
St. Joseph, which is really odd…He basically chose me, I think.

I was walking down a path in Medjugorje, trying to think of a saint to choose, not really feeling comfortable with any of them. I thought about Aquinas, but I was a second-rate apologist at best, so I was worried I was being conceited. I thought about St. Francis de Sales, as I wanted to be a writer, (and apologist).

Then, at a particular moment and place on the path, it struck me–Joseph. Patron of Fathers, of the Church…I had never felt any particular affinity toward him–after all, he’s always in the background, at best. But, I knew, absolutely, he should be my Confirmation sponsor. Eleven years later, I’m still waiting for the reason, but I know there is one.
Bernadette - I loved the stories the nuns at the Catholic grade school I attended would tell of Our Lady’s apparitions. Thanks be to God…a few years ago I did get to visit Lourdes and also the convent at Nevers, France the site of St. Bernadette’s incorrupt body.
Question on Confirmation names…

What happens if one chooses the name of a saint with a surname? What becomes his confirmation name? E.g. Thomas Aquinas. Is it Thomas or Aquinas or Both? Is it the person’s choice which one? Just wondering.
I think it can be either/or/both, especially for confirmation. I have liked the idea of giving using the surname of different saints for first or middle names, i.e. Chantal (St. Jane Frances de Chantal), Bayley (St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton), Kolbe (St Maximillin Kolbe). And Joan of Arc has been use with “the Arc”. Not a last name exactly but close.

ETA: I think Chrysostom would also work for someone who wanted the intercession of that St. John. For saints with popular names using the surname narrows down which John (Mary, Theresa) one is refering to.
Anne. Mother of Mary. She is the patron saint of mothers (I am one x 3) and the patron saint of housewives (which I terribly need one!:o ) My first, middle and confirmation names are all women related to Jesus through Mary (Mary, Elizabeth & Anne). I’m glad I have these women praying with me in heaven. I need all the help and support I can get!
I was confirmed as an adult. I think perhaps because I was an adult I was not asked to choose a confirmation name. Oh well… I have taken as my special saint Theresa of Avila. I love reading her writings.
Teresa of Avila is my saint as well. I was confirmed as an adult and when I looked on the internet for patron saints I felt overwhelmed by the over 2,000 names! My mom’s name is Teresa (with no H) so I started there. Teresa is also a family name for us. Well, when I read about Teresa of Avila, I didn’t need to look any further. She is the patron saint of headache sufferers (I go through life every day with a headache), she was also short (me, mom, grandma, etc., all 5’2" or shorter) and it was said she had a great sense of humor despite always being in pain (I try). I started reading her writings and that was all it took. And she did it all without Advil! :eek:

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