What is your Confirmation name?

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I was confirmed as an adult. I think perhaps because I was an adult I was not asked to choose a confirmation name. Oh well… I have taken as my special saint Theresa of Avila. I love reading her writings.
Do parishes record what the confirmation names were? I have no idea what mine was, I don’t remember even being given information to help choose one.
Yes, even if you made your Confirmation other than the church in which you were Baptized a record of that will be sent and recorded in those records too. I used to be a parish secretary.🙂
I posted this on the “Touched By God” thread, but it has specifically to do with my confirmation name, so I’ll post it here again. Besides, the whole experience still just blows my mind:

I was brought up Catholic, went to Mass every Sunday and attended Catholic schools from kindergarten on, but by my sophomore year in high school, I didn’t want anything to do with the Church. I thought Mass was boring, and doubted the validity of everything except some vague notion that God existed.

I began to hear from friends and classmates about something they’d found online called ‘Wicca’, which for those of you who don’t know is a neo-pagan religion based heavily in the occult an “magick”, i.e. witchcraft. I did some research on it and thought it sounded really cool, at least, a lot cooler than all that “church stuff” I’d known my whole life. By the end of the year, I was believing it more than I believed in Christ (no one else knew this, of course).

That was about the time my Dad mentioned that it was getting close to the time that Confirmation classes were starting. When he said he was gonna sign me up, I laughed in his face! But my dad wasn’t about to let me get out of it that easily. I finally decided, rather than put up with all his prodding, I’d go along with it because, as I told myself “Well, it’s easier to leave the Church than get in, so I might as well do this now, in case my dad’s right”. Little did I know how right he was.

I attended Confirmation class the way I attended every other Church function. I went through the motions and promptly ignored requirement of actually living the faith. Months went by, and I hadn’t even chosen a confirmation name. Finally (I think it was like 2 weeks before confirmation), the DRE told me that I’d better choose one, or he’d choose one for me, and I wouldn’t like it. We both chuckled at that thought, but he made his point and I told him I’d try and think of one I liked.

Later that week, I was laying in bed, unable to sleep for some entirely unrelated reason, and my thoughts drifted to the fact that I needed a confirmation name. True to my years of “going through the motions”, it occured to me that I should pray, not for any real benefit, but simply cause it was the “thing to do” when making spiritual decisions.

So I began: “God, I need a confirmation name, and I don’t know–”

Just at that moment, I heard a loud rustling at my desk (one might say like a great wind 👍 ). Anyway, after this, I heard one piece of paper fall to the ground. It was dark in my room, so I got up and turned on the light. The piece of paper was one I’d written the name and phone number of someone I knew…but it was clear to me that God had used it for a very specific purpose.

Written on the paper was the phone number and the name “Paul”

Well, I was confirmed 2 weeks later with Paul as my Confirmation name, and I’ve been solid Catholic ever since.
I chose the confirmation name “Bernard” after Saint Bernard, because it was the same name as a dog. I hated confirmation . . . I had to work at the nasty fish frys in the church basement to gain enough hours so that I could walk down the aisle and have some fossil wave his arms in front of my face. It was almost as much of a letdown as my first communion. “That was it? Is something supposed to happen?”
My Confirmation name is John and I was confirmed as a baby as at the time I was dying. So It Is also part off my legal name as well.
After Saint John the Evangelist.
Tongue in cheek I like to see people’s expressions when I tell them that I was wearing nappies (diapers) at my Confirmation :rotfl:
God bless 🙂
robin hood:
…I like to see people’s expressions when I tell them that I was wearing nappies (diapers) at my Confirmation
Hey, robin hood!

You’re in good company, my friend! Scroll back up and have a look at posts #4, #11 and #16!

a pilgrim
Yes, even if you made your Confirmation other than the church in which you were Baptized a record of that will be sent and recorded in those records too.
I’m feeling a little dense today. Are you saying that my confirmation parish also has my baptism record, or that my baptism parish also has my confirmation record? (Or both?) I suspect the former is probably true since our family lived in that parish for a long time. But we left the parish where I was baptized shortly after I was born.
Mine is Theresa after St. Therese of the Child Jesus. I chose her name because of how she thought of the tiniest of daily occurrances to offer up. I am just now reading The Story of a Soul and LOVE it!
I was confirmed as an adult. I think perhaps because I was an adult I was not asked to choose a confirmation name. Oh well…
I am not sure what other parishes do, but I was confirmed as an adult this year, and all of us in RCIA chose a confirmation name.
I’m not yet confirmed - will be next June - but when I am, I plan to take either Therese/Theresa (for the Little Flower), or Mary (for the Blessed Mother), or Rose (St Rose of Lima).
(Maybe I should have taken the username tee_eff_gee_em :rotfl: )

Gabriel the Archangel.

I chose John i.e. John the Baptist, who makes way the path of Christ. My Uncle John really loved it, he thought it was because of him.
I’d have to say that I kind of chose my confirmation name for vain reasons. I thought it went well with my first name, plus a lot of my favorite people were named “Anne.” I did have to read about St. Anne, of course, and I’m glad I chose the mother of Our Lady.
I’m feeling a little dense today. Are you saying that my confirmation parish also has my baptism record, or that my baptism parish also has my confirmation record? (Or both?) I suspect the former is probably true since our family lived in that parish for a long time. But we left the parish where I was baptized shortly after I was born.
Around Chicago, some parishes have closed, and the diocese will keep parallel records.

All I know for sure is that it is helpful to have your current parish with updated records, but the precise requirements should be spelled out in the Canons (which I don’t know).

I do remember reading that if a person transfers jurisdictions (to another church Sui Iuris) the information is supposed to be entered in the records of the parish you were baptised in, so that may be the key center for your records. Interestingly, in most (if not all) the Eastern churches the Confirmation is supposed to be done immediately following the Baptism on the same day. So they may not be anticipating an issue like separate parishes for each sacrament.

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