What is your Confirmation name?

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As an adult convert, I chose St. Margaret of Scotland, because she was such a light of Christ to her family, and all those around her. I would aspire to that!

Incidentally, I just happened to have read about confirmation names, and many in my RCIA class did not know of this custom, so did not choose them. I have been involved with the RCIA program as a helper since then, every year save one, and each time I have to remind the priest to tell them they can choose a confirmation name, so they will always have someone special to pray for them.

BTW, to the person who chose St. Dymphna, because a niece suffers from depression, I visited and have photos from Sint Dimpnakerk, in Belgium, where St. Dymphna was martyred. Please e-mail and I will send them!
I choose Rose, after St. Rose of Lima (to remind me to avoid vanity and as an advocate of purity and penance)
Unusually, no one else in my class chose a saint name, or even wanted to. We weren’t even given the option, until I asked.
I don’t remember choosing a confirmation name. Is there a way to find out if I did and what it was?
I was seven years old when I was confirmed. My confirmation name is Joyce and I have no idea why. I have never found information on a St. Joyce, do not know if there was a St. Joyce. This would have been back in 1964 when names were aprroved, so who is Joyce?

God bless,
a pilgrim:
Like Edwin and Mary’s Lamb, I, too, am a Byzantine Catholic and was Chrismated (Confirmed) during infancy. I have, however, taught Roman Catholic Religious Education, specifically at the eighth grade level, with the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation being the primary thrust of the kids’ training.

I would relate to my classes how I did not have a confirmation name, but if I were to choose one today it would be Theodore, in honor of Blessed Theodore Romzha, a Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic bishop who was murdered by the Communists while in the service of Our Lord. My prayers to Bishop Theodore were quickly answered with regard to a close childhood friend who was diagnosed with colon cancer… and who is now cancer-free! 👍

Blessed Theodore, pray for us!

a pilgrim
My Pastor has many times offered evening prayer services to Blessed Theodore. Actually with another parish merging with ours, Father has originally chose our new parish to be in name of Theodore, however, the Bishop had other ideas.

Go with God!
St. Francis of Assisi. I chose it only because I was in 7th grade and my mom said it is a good idea to pick the name that was already your middle name. (I don’t know why)

A little miracle though - my birthday is Oct. 4 and that year there was a mass said for St. Francis. I had no idea.
St. Catherine, after St. Catherine of Sienna.

I was a convert from a fundamentalist/evangelical background, and always had a hard time with Mary and with mysticism. St. Catherine was someone who really loved Mary and had a special relationship with her. She also was a mystic. So, I wanted to show my conquering of my “issues” by choosing someone who embraced them. She was also a “Doctor of the Church” and was very wise. I knew I could learn a lot from her.
I’m making my confirmation this comming year, and i decided to choose someone new. So I choose St. Josemaria Escriva.
I chose St. Elizabeth Anne Seton because she was a mother and a wife before she became a nun. She began schools and was very effective in helping many children, including her own, get a good education.

Seemed like the natural choice for this homeschooling mother 😃
Is there a St. Gerturde?A st. Carol? Cause if there is, I have a sneaking suspiscion that I was a catholic before I was adopted because both my sister and I have 2 middle names, her second was gertrude and my second was Carol, though we had them changed.
Why the great Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas of course. A great patron I might add.
St. Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was Elizabeth who said to Mary, “Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?”
I was seven years old when I was confirmed. My confirmation name is Joyce and I have no idea why. I have never found information on a St. Joyce, do not know if there was a St. Joyce. This would have been back in 1964 when names were aprroved, so who is Joyce?

God bless,
My confirmation name is Therese Joy. Therese is classic and I found the name Joy in a book my mom had that listed saints names in the back. Joyce comes from Joy so…

ETA: Therese means reaper so I named myself “reaper of Joy”.
Mia Storm:
St. Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was Elizabeth who said to Mary, “Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?”
Yes. :😄:
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