I chose Therese for the Little Flower.
My Pastor has many times offered evening prayer services to Blessed Theodore. Actually with another parish merging with ours, Father has originally chose our new parish to be in name of Theodore, however, the Bishop had other ideas.Like Edwin and Mary’s Lamb, I, too, am a Byzantine Catholic and was Chrismated (Confirmed) during infancy. I have, however, taught Roman Catholic Religious Education, specifically at the eighth grade level, with the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation being the primary thrust of the kids’ training.
I would relate to my classes how I did not have a confirmation name, but if I were to choose one today it would be Theodore, in honor of Blessed Theodore Romzha, a Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic bishop who was murdered by the Communists while in the service of Our Lord. My prayers to Bishop Theodore were quickly answered with regard to a close childhood friend who was diagnosed with colon cancer… and who is now cancer-free!
Blessed Theodore, pray for us!
a pilgrim
My confirmation name is Therese Joy. Therese is classic and I found the name Joy in a book my mom had that listed saints names in the back. Joyce comes from Joy so…I was seven years old when I was confirmed. My confirmation name is Joyce and I have no idea why. I have never found information on a St. Joyce, do not know if there was a St. Joyce. This would have been back in 1964 when names were aprroved, so who is Joyce?
God bless,
Yes. :St. Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was Elizabeth who said to Mary, “Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?”