What is your dream girl like?

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Let’s cut him a little slack on the measurements. The fact is, I have no idea how much George Clooney weighs. I have a better idea of what a particular woman weighs because I am a woman and I know how womens’ weight works better. Still, I have been confused by this in the past. At the height of Cindy Crawford’s popularity, I read that she was 125lbs and 5’10" - well, at the time, I was 125lbs and 5’10" and I can assure you that I didn’t look like Cindy Crawford. You could see my ribs a little, and my collar bone stuck out a bit, and I didn’t look like THAT even in a WonderBra. I looked at her, and other supermodels who claimed similar stats and I thought “are their breasts filled with HELIUM?”

My guess is that they were either lying about their weight or they were somehow very smallboned.

I think a guy sees a girl he considers super-hot, and is told that she weighs a certain amount, and he figures “OK, that’s what I want.” I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is a tiny thing (somehow, she manages to fit those breasts onto a frame that contains about as much bone as a chicken wing) and she probably does weigh about 105lbs. I wouldn’t hold it against a guy to say “I like petite yet curvy girls who look like Jennifer Love Hewitt” but I don’t think the guy would much care if he found out that some girl he met, who struck him as gorgeous, weighed 140lbs.

Madgalen, I saw in your post certain indicators that you suffer from NiceGuy-itis. Do women often tell you, when you finally get your nerve up to ask your friends if they’d like a more romantic relationship “Oh, you’re such a nice guy, but I just want to be friends?” That happens all the time. Such guys are either truly super-nice in a dull way that unfortunately immature girls find unexciting, or else they’re not really so very nice. If you’re truly nice, you’ll find a girl whom you find to be gorgeous and she’ll think you’re fabulous, too. But, don’t spend a lot of time thinking about those “shallow” women who don’t like you - it will make you bitter and you’ll be doomed!
Hey, don’t say that about the beutiful Jennifer Love Hewitt. I do love Jessica Simpson, and especially Jessica Alba too: THEY ARE ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOO BEUTIFUL!! smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_1_206.gif
Listen, for all of you who are so offended by men putting a priority on physical attractiveness, I have a news flash. Its part of life, get used to it. If you had two apples to choose from, and one was beautiful, deep red, smooth skin and the other was bumpy and had a deep bruise and a worm hole in it, which would you choose?

Appearance plays a part in the initial way that we screen things. Its part of life, its natural. Its part of our animalistic breeding habits. Attractive partners are perceived as being more healthy. Its as simple as that.
Ok dude, here’s the deal. God made woman beautiful, and you are a man. So don’t feel guilty becuase some women on here want you to feel guilty for being attracted to a dream woman. They are not God, and don’t know what we struggle with. Actually some do, but the point is, just don’t get carried away and only look at the exterior because all looks fade. But always beware of the haters out there who don’t want you to be initially attracted to a woman becuase she was blessed with looks. You ever happen to see any of those women’s soaps during they daytime? They are all full of unrealistic looking guys too. Believe me both men and women don’t like competition becuase it makes it harder to get what we want but learn deal with it ok!
I have requested this thread to be pulled or locked. I apologize if it got out of hand.
I have requested this thread to be pulled or locked. I apologize if it got out of hand.
I don’t think you ment any harm… People get offended, period, even if you surgar coat things.

This thread is closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.**
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