
Hey, don’t say that about the beutiful Jennifer Love Hewitt. I do love Jessica Simpson, and especially Jessica Alba too: THEY ARE ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOO BEUTIFUL!! smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_1_206.gifLet’s cut him a little slack on the measurements. The fact is, I have no idea how much George Clooney weighs. I have a better idea of what a particular woman weighs because I am a woman and I know how womens’ weight works better. Still, I have been confused by this in the past. At the height of Cindy Crawford’s popularity, I read that she was 125lbs and 5’10" - well, at the time, I was 125lbs and 5’10" and I can assure you that I didn’t look like Cindy Crawford. You could see my ribs a little, and my collar bone stuck out a bit, and I didn’t look like THAT even in a WonderBra. I looked at her, and other supermodels who claimed similar stats and I thought “are their breasts filled with HELIUM?”
My guess is that they were either lying about their weight or they were somehow very smallboned.
I think a guy sees a girl he considers super-hot, and is told that she weighs a certain amount, and he figures “OK, that’s what I want.” I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is a tiny thing (somehow, she manages to fit those breasts onto a frame that contains about as much bone as a chicken wing) and she probably does weigh about 105lbs. I wouldn’t hold it against a guy to say “I like petite yet curvy girls who look like Jennifer Love Hewitt” but I don’t think the guy would much care if he found out that some girl he met, who struck him as gorgeous, weighed 140lbs.
Madgalen, I saw in your post certain indicators that you suffer from NiceGuy-itis. Do women often tell you, when you finally get your nerve up to ask your friends if they’d like a more romantic relationship “Oh, you’re such a nice guy, but I just want to be friends?” That happens all the time. Such guys are either truly super-nice in a dull way that unfortunately immature girls find unexciting, or else they’re not really so very nice. If you’re truly nice, you’ll find a girl whom you find to be gorgeous and she’ll think you’re fabulous, too. But, don’t spend a lot of time thinking about those “shallow” women who don’t like you - it will make you bitter and you’ll be doomed!