Personality = First, to make some things clear: I’m not nearly as shallow as rayne makes me to be. I’m extremely** funny** (girls like that), and I am very
kind and considerate. I feel bad for fat and ugly girls; and I treat them with
kindness and respect; but I don’t think I could date one. Over the summer I worked at an office building full of nice, though middle-aged and married women. They all loved me and one of them even said, however blasphemously, that they had asked for an intern and had received God instead (in reference to me.) Some girls (including some very pretty ones) say that
I’m the sweetest guy they have ever known. This one girl I met with online and with whom I spoke on the phone over period of a few months really liked me, and we promised each other that we would not go after anyone else until we met in person. Well,
I kept my side of the bargain; but it seems that she got back together with her ex-boyfriend when he returned from Iraq. Haven’t heard from her since then, despite the pile of letters covered in tears, which I sent to her. Alas! She wasn’t even really pretty–though far from ugly;** I really liked her because of her personality**, which is
what I look for first in a girl–since there are
so many girls who are beautiful yet cold-hearted.
I suppose one of my greatest problems is shyness–“social anxiety.” That’s perhaps the only real “problem”–if that can be called a problem–which I have.
Lots of girls think I’m really cute and say hello to me a lot. The problem is that **most of the girls here at my school have horrible personalities. **They do drugs, have promiscuous sex, they back-stab, and they are dishonest to any boyfriends they might have. Most of all, they don’t care much about intellectual conversation.
I’m the only practicing Catholic here on campus The few who come to Newman Club curse, swear, drink and engage in the occult (tarot cards) outside of the club. The priest himself frequently condones and oftentimes supports these activities.
Anyhow, last year I met this one girl on campus, and I thought she really liked me because she was flirting with me badly, but then I found out that she has a steady boyfriend with whom she had been for a while. So I was like, what’s up with that?!
Being the noble and just person I am, I decided it would be an egregious move to display any romantic affections towards that girl.