What is your priest like?

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My current pastor is a good solid (literally) man. He is a Scripture scholar. He is a good, kind generous man and he can be stern when necessary.

His associate pastor is also a good solid and orthodox man, who had been hurt sometime in his past. He gives us very good theology.

My former parish priest was a very good man who was ill treated by some parishioners. He is more solid in his convictions than they believed.

His former associate who is now a parish priest elsewhere had a good sense of humour and was a sensitive and caring person.

The other associate pastor who has moved on is one with experience of the world, and a very good preacher, plus very solid and orthodox in his beliefs.

Another former assistant from the same parish is also a parish priest. He was also a theologian and we had an interest in listening to and reading Scott Hahn. He is a man with good solid principles and is also a good Spiritual Director.

We have three priests: The PP is a “God lurvs you” man, doesn’t want to rock the boat, never mentions sin or repentance, doubts that anyone is in hell, is nostalgic for the third rite of reconcilliation, lets the principal of the school walk all over him but says a reverent Mass - never the confietor and always Eucharistic Prayer 2 on Sundays.

Second says a reverent Mass - although for the last two Sundays I haven’t recognised the Eucharistic Prayer he is saying. He is enthusiastic about Adoration but not Perpetual Adoration. He likes Compline and plans on us saying it after the Resurrection. He has a wonderful speaking voice and preaches with confidence.
He has never mentioned sin in a homily, told people that they are already saints, never mentioned repentance, never speaks in a positive manner about Catholic devotions e.g. the rosary and is totally taken up with the Social Gospel. He has managed to work the social gospel into every single homily I have heard him preach. He dislikes the Church hierarchy and is extremely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with him.

Our third priest says a reverent Mass but his eyes are always flicking over the congregation - almost as if he is counting the house. He checks his watch during Mass. His homilys are from the “God lurvs you” school. He wears clerical garb but I have never seen him in the street wearing his collar.
We have three priests: The PP is a “God lurvs you” man, doesn’t want to rock the boat, never mentions sin or repentance, doubts that anyone is in hell, is nostalgic for the third rite of reconcilliation, lets the principal of the school walk all over him but says a reverent Mass - never the confietor and always Eucharistic Prayer 2 on Sundays.

Second says a reverent Mass - although for the last two Sundays I haven’t recognised the Eucharistic Prayer he is saying. He is enthusiastic about Adoration but not Perpetual Adoration. He likes Compline and plans on us saying it after the Resurrection. He has a wonderful speaking voice and preaches with confidence.
He has never mentioned sin in a homily, told people that they are already saints, never mentioned repentance, never speaks in a positive manner about Catholic devotions e.g. the rosary and is totally taken up with the Social Gospel. He has managed to work the social gospel into every single homily I have heard him preach. He dislikes the Church hierarchy and is extremely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with him.

Our third priest says a reverent Mass but his eyes are always flicking over the congregation - almost as if he is counting the house. He checks his watch during Mass. His homilys are from the “God lurvs you” school. He wears clerical garb but I have never seen him in the street wearing his collar.
:tiphat: I can understand that not all of this is easy to live with but your humorous and rather droll method of describing it made me chuckle.
This poll sure is an eye-opener! I sometimes think with all the negativism directed at the clergy that a lot more had priest with questionable orthodoxy. Looks like he have a lot of great priest, God bless 'em!
Dear Father

My last Priest who has now left us for another Parish was like Christ Jesus to me.

I don’t know the new Priest very well but he is very kind.

Another Priest who is my spiritual director is a Godsend to me.

All of them are human and all of them are sinners.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

So far we aren’t doing to bad. Almost 95% positive. Not to shabby.
My Priests and Deacons are AMAZING!! loving and open and charitable! i love my Parish and would never go anywhere else!! God Bless St. Bart’s!!
So far we aren’t doing to bad. Almost 95% positive. Not to shabby.
Dear Father

Not doing too bad?? I have to smile! You know that you cannot please all of the people all of the time, you also know that sometimes you have to correct your laity and that will not always create a positive response. Popularity is not the name of the game, agape is the name of the game and most people only notice it was agape from a Priest after the fact with a good dose of hindsight under their belt, that is if they desire to even look back in hindsight instead of criticise the Priesthood.

I am convinced that most people of faith and this includes Priests are decent and just trying to go about leading a good life and work out their salvation the best way they can.

Now that was a severe morale pep talk !!😃

God Bless you Father in your Holy Ministry and much love and peace to you

Our priest is solid and orthodox. Also very humble and one of the most intelligent, educated men I know.👍
Priests’ are having a really tough time right now especially in this day and age. Please check out this website. franciscancards.com/priests Sister Patricia Proctor. osc is compiling a book called "**101 Inspirational Stories of the Priesthood. **Maybe you could submit an uplifting story about your favorite Priest. Lets tell them how much we need them and love them.
:blessyou: :amen:
Our parish is served by circuit-riders, who come from another church some miles away. Our assigned pastor is quite orthodox, and our assistant pastor (a Nigerian missionary) even more so.

One of the intesting things about our parish is how a Black priest is so readily accepted – not just by the parishoners, but by the people at large in this 99.9% White county.

Some 70 years ago, one of our older parishoners’ father wrote to the Bishop and asked for a priest to be sent to baptize his children. It surprised the Bishop, who didn’t think there were any Catholics living up here in the hills.

It surprised the people of the county even more – when a Catholic priest arrived to perform the baptisms, they feared he would put the Evil Eye on them!

Times have changed – for the better.
Above poll too simple to describe my priest.

I would say he extremely intelligent, a gifted speaker, good counselor, deeply spiritual, liturgically precise and correct, elitist and proud, theologically liberal, cruel and vengeful, holds a grudge, naive about the world, obsessed about germs, and somewhat of a social phobic.

In short, a very complex man
So far we aren’t doing to bad. Almost 95% positive. Not to shabby.
Well, Cest! 👋

We love our priests! You can’t force us to hate them! If you are not so much loved yourself, you are far from Heaven and have to get yourself some good counceling from an elder! Prepare yourself for confession! You are setting the people up against the clergy! :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

And remember one thing: Its not thrue that priests forgets what they are told in confession! 👋 But that doesn’t matter because everything are to be laid in front of God on Judgementday! 🙂

Actually we usually do forget what we hear in the confessional. When you have a hundred lined up at a penance service you don’t remember a thing. Also so many confessions sound alike. Sin is so much sameness and dreariness. I rarely give it all a second thought. Frankly it is often rather boring. Sin itself in the end is boring.
None of the choices fit my pastor. I think he is rather lackadaisical and I wonder why he became a priest. All he ever talks about is going to casinos and gambling. I know he has some unorthodox ideas but he is careful not to spout them too much. I do pray for him but if my parish wasn’t the one in which I was baptised, I would leave.
Actually we usually do forget what we hear in the confessional. When you have a hundred lined up at a penance service you don’t remember a thing. Also so many confessions sound alike. Sin is so much sameness and dreariness. I rarely give it all a second thought. Frankly it is often rather boring. Sin itself in the end is boring.
Yes, sin is boring!
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