What is your priest like?

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After reading about Scout’s priest, I want to move to Illinois!
I love my own priest as a person. He’s very gentle and kind,
and very supportive of pro-life efforts. But he insists on leaving out a certain politically incorrect word from the Creed on Sundays, and from the invitation to prayer before the Eucharist. I’ve spoken to him passionately about it, and he listens kindly, but just ignores me, God bless him!
Heaven knows I need to be humbled.
We have a Pastor and two associates in our Parish. All are Conventual Franciscans. One of them teaches in a Catholic School. We are blessed to have Religous who are willing to share their charism with us. Our Pastor is an orthodox man who has a great sense of humor and is not overbearing. He continually reminds the groups within the Parish to “keep it Catholic.” The younger priest is reflective of the new generation of Priest which is a blessing for the Church. He reminds the Parish from the pulpit of the need for continual conversion and the graces that are available from the sacrament of Reconciliation. Our part timer who is really not part time preaches to you and not below or above your head. He is a great confessor.

Thanx for the opportunity to post, sometimes we do not take the time to realize how blessed we are with our priests. So many want to throw stones.
He is very dedicated, hardworking, kind, orthodox, and articulate. Our parish is in a part of Louisiana which is predominately Protestant, so it serves 3 towns which are all rapidly growing, causing our Church population to rise. We have over 3000 families, but we also have an associate pastor and a deacon. It’s good to see growth in a parish, but it is sometimes hard because the priest is not as present as we would like him to be and we understand. I think he makes a special effort to remember your face, if not your name, and that’s especially appreciated and noticed by the people in a parish this size.

He gives good homilies and my family and I love it when he talks of his own family. You can see his deep love for his parents and how they fostered his Vocation.

Thanks and God Bless You!
I didn’t answer the poll because the choice of #1 with shades of #2 wasn’t an option. My priest is the best liturgist, has a wonderful singing voice and plays the piano and organ beautifully. He is kind and gentle, to a fault. Literally. Most everybody loves him, but while reading the thread a comment jumped out at me as if in blinking lights. “Intellectual, somewhat effeminate fence-sitter. Not a good leader.” This is true of my priest. His homilies are beautiful, but all hearts and butterflies and rarely convict anyone in their bad behavior. He is non-confrontational, even when he should be. And while he is mostly orthodox, he does leave out the “politically incorrect” word from the Creed. He is also bullied by an ultra-feminist lay minister. We love him, and support him, but he does have a few issues.
👍 My Priest is awesome!! He is solid, orthodox, and faithful!! He is young (40’s) and is a Baptist convert. He is wonderful with apologetics and has taught some cradle Catholics a thing or two! He is so normal, he is just a regular guy who happens to be a Priest. He played sports in High School and dated girls!!! WOW!!! He is a wonderful role model to our youth!! I wish you all could be so lucky!! :clapping:

We all adore him!! He has brought so much spirit and life to our Parish!:love:
Our Pastor is intelligent and friendly. The biggest draw back is his spine. Don’t think he has one. He’s one of those priests who talks without saying much. Pretty wishy washy. Don’t get me wrong, I like him. It’s just that he doesn’t pursue the topics I think are really important, like even mentioning NFP durring pre-marital classes, anything pro-life, talking about Papal teachings and letters, well, you get the drift. He’s a don’t rock the boat kind of a priest. So I try to rock the boat as hard as I can!!! 😃

Now our associate priest, whew! He’s also the intellectual type. But I think he is way out there. Once he led a Rosary using events from the OT instead of the mysteries. I also think he agrees with the feminazis who are pretty aggressive in our Parish. Oh well, you just love them and pray for the best. :gopray: The priests have a really tough job, especially these days!!
I don’t really have a parish; the parish in my town is very liberal and modernistic, so since my family and I are traditional, we go to different churches each Sunday of the month. At two of the churches we go to, there is a very traditional priest; he says the Latin Mass for all of us traditionalists 3 times a month. He’s been my spiritual director for over a year, and is really very holy and spiritual. Even if your priest is not very good, don’t say anything about him; remember what he is by virtue of his ordination: “alter Christus,” another Christ.

God Bless!

Our parish priest is liberal, sometimes he offends people by statments he makes about them, and he believes he has the right to refuse the annoting of the sick to dieing people because of Hippo Laws.

Fr. Larry, a priest I get together and talk with about my vocation is a very good priest. However, he doesn’t like the Legion of Christ, an order I am considering, and well, thinks he can edit the prayer of Absolution in Confession.

Fr. Robert, (LC) my spiritual director, is a great person. He is a person who has inspired me in my vocation, and though we live about 90 miles a part, he is always willing to chat with me on the phone, and we really talk a lot when we get to together every other month. he is truly a god send.


What a wonderful poll! I would never have anticipated 100 posters with solid, orthodox priest. It is a sign of great hope for the future of our Church in America.
I hope you guys don’t mind a brief interjection from your friendly resident Protestant. I know a woman (not sure what religion she was) that ended up with a cruddy first marriage. For some reason she sought the counsel of a priest who was so utterly fabulous in helping her through the divorce that she ended up becoming Catholic. (and she got her marriage annuled. I guess he helped her with that too). I don’t know if that’s considered a good reason to be Catholic or not but she was struck by his gentleness and wisdom and comfort. Yay for that priest. 🙂

Now she and second husband are happily married and happily Catholic together.

Brief interjection has ended. Please continue.
Our pastor is orthodox in his faith, but a mean, vicious, grudge-holding, responsive only to old womanish tusch kissers, America-hating west-brit (aka from Ireland), who denies that all humans are equal, refuses to preach or teach in our American language, gives terminally boring sermons (basically, ‘dear abby’ in a western british accent!) which are only good to listen to to burn time out of purgatory, hates beautiful liturgy - thinks 30-35 minutes is ‘long’ for a Sunday Mass (one of the phrases from the Eucharistic Canon he prays like this (super fast!): “merthevrvurmagah” (= “Mary, the ever virgin Mother of God”), and who allows equally vicious but vituperatively anti-Catholic Pope hating women to run ‘religious education’ (hah!). He has a forty year track record of boring the heaven out of our young.

Other than that, he’s just fine.
Wow, that last one hurt. But still 90% seem to like their priest and believe he is at least doing an okay job. That is better then I expected. Feel free to continue to comment even though the poll is closed. Thanks to all who voted.
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