What is your stand on this dilemma?

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Really? You’re here to learn about Catholicism? That’s not what I see. I see you arguing against basic Catholic beliefs.
I am not sure I see the contradiction here. By raising issues to do with belief I learn more. In fact I think that is the traditional Catholic way of advancing arguments, unless my reading of Aquinas is faulty.

And ‘basic’ issues? You won’t see me arguing against the existence of God for example. But you will see me questioning arguments put forward that purport to prove his existence. And you will see me questioning belief around the margins (miracles etc.) because these are statements that things have occurred in the material world and are therefore subject to testing.
I’m on your side of the debate here, but this isn’t a fair comparison. Women who have abortions probably don’t think their actions are murder, but that’s because the pro-abortion movement use selective language to minimize the evil of it.
My point was people are capable of killing, even knowing what it is.

While I won’t say all women who have abortions know what it is, I also won’t say no woman who has an abortion knows what it is.
Sadly, most CPCs give pregancy tests and ultrasounds, their goal is to discourage abortions and many will help with adoption placements. The vast majority do not have the funding nor training to offer housing, job training, ongoing pre/post natal medical care, child care, transportation, etc to the women.
I have actually done this. (Well, I didn’t drive the car, because I don’t drive, but I was a fellow passenger.)

I very much regret going and not being able to do anything about the abortion, but I still do not entirely regret being there for my friend (the mother) afterward. The experience did actually harden my stance against abortion, though, and it’s not something I would do again.

As a Catholic, I have on occasion asked for the prayers of my friend’s aborted children (I am aware she had an earlier abortion that did not involve me), especially for the good of their mother and respective fathers and now stepfather (my friend’s husband).
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