What is your stand on this dilemma?

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Abortion is death by natural causes?
Yes, it is usually. About a third of conceptions result in the death or expulsion of the zygote/embryo/fetus naturally. This is far, far, higher than the rate of induced abortions but there is little emphasis on reducing this number by pro-lifers. Some, but nothing compared to the effort to make induced abortions unlawful.
You’re describing a miscarriage. That’s different than a direct abortion. Miscarriages are natural, yes. Abortions are murder. I could die from a heart attack. That would be natural. Someone could shoot me in the heart. That would be murder. Surely, you can see the difference.
If she believed that, she would not go. So no, she does not have the ‘intent’.
Of course she doesn’t believe it’s murder! That’s because the abortion industry has dressed it up using selective language to minimize and disguise the evil of it! They call the baby “products of conception.” How would it be if they called it a baby? They say “terminating the pregnancy” rather than “ending the life of the baby.” How would it be if they said “ending the life of the baby?” It’s this kind of language that convinces people that abortion is a perfectly fine “choice” rather than the evil that it is.

The same thing is happening here in this thread—when you start splitting hairs, refusing to call it murder because of intent. Whatever your intention, you are taking innocent life. Saying it isn’t murder only fuels the pro-abortion agenda by minimizing the evil of it. Maybe if everyone did call it murder, young women wouldn’t have abortions because they would know how bad it really is.

I’m very sad that this is being debated by devout Catholics.
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You’re describing a miscarriage. That’s different than a direct abortion. Miscarriages are natural, yes. Abortions are murder. I could die from a heart attack. That would be natural. Someone could shoot me in the heart. That would be murder. Surely, you can see the difference.
A miscarriage is a ‘spontaneous abortion’. What you are calling ‘an abortion’ is ‘an induced abortion’. There would be some debate about whether a pre-implantation action is an abortion or not. If someone shot you in the heart that would be a homicide. It might or might not be murder. Or you might be a soldier on the other side in a war. Or a person with dementia who strayed on to a shooting range. Or someone pretending to be about to shoot a police officer so the officer would shoot you.

I don’t share the Catholic view of the morality f abortion but I am not here arguing that. I am suggesting that everyone use similar, standard, non-emotional terms to discuss the issue. That does not mean you cannot feel emotion. But not all felt emotions need to be expressed at all times.
If you don’t 'share the Catholic view of morality on abortion, then you are either not Catholic or a heretic. It’s church teaching that life should be protected from the moment of conception. And, ok we’ll call it ‘induced abortion’…when a doctor inserts instruments to dismember a baby in utero and scrape the baby out of a mother’s womb, killing the baby. Induced abortion…murder.
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If you don’t 'share the Catholic view of morality on abortion, then you are either not Catholic or a heretic. It’s church teaching that life should be protected from the moment of conception. And, ok we’ll call it ‘induced abortion’…when a doctor inserts instruments to dismember a baby in utero and scrape the baby out of a mother’s womb, killing the baby. Induced abortion…murder
I’m familiar with the Catholic views on these things. So far, despite intense campaigning through the western world, and elsewhere, these views have persuaded insufficient people of the Catholic view with he trend on the past 50 years being very strongly in the opposite direction. While you are free of course to express your views it may be that the manner of expressing them is not helping your cause.

For example I am assuming, as a Catholic, that you are as opposed to very early abortion as you are to later abortions. Your description in the past above is of a later abortion. The description is not accurate of an early medical abortion (using drugs). This is the abortion practice that is becoming most common and when done early makes the emotional statements about, or images of ‘dismemberment’ inaccurate.
Yes, I’m against all abortion. I gave one example of abortion. A medicine induced abortion would still be murder. (like giving someone poison). So…you’re not Catholic. Not sure why you would frequent this site then. You obviously aren’t open to learning about Catholicism. So is it your goal to try to discredit it?
So…you’re not Catholic. Not sure why you would frequent this site then. You obviously aren’t open to learning about Catholicism. So is it your goal to try to discredit it?
I have been here for years and years. I am interested in why people belief and in the details of that belief. So yes I am open to learning about Catholicism. People like me are, like Catholics, invited to take part in CAF. I do not try to discredit Catholic belief but do try to question the belief very closely. Some people here find it useful or even enjoyable to see others respond to my points. Others, I acknowledge, just wish I would go away because they prefer not to talk to people here who are not Catholics. I take a similar approach on atheist sites I hang out in and people there get really annoyed with me insisting they stick to facts when discussing religion.
A medicine induced abortion would still be murder.
Do you concede that a very early medical abortion is most unlikely to be considered ‘murder’ by anyone who does not accept, broadly, the Catholic view, even though they may be ‘pro-life’?
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I don’t know what other people believe. I’m sure they vary according to the individual since most people like to only follow their own authority. I know what the Catholic Church teaches.
Others, I acknowledge, just wish I would go away because they prefer not to talk to people here who are not Catholics.
I am glad you’re here.

If we only interacted with people believing exactly what we believe, we would neither teachers nor learners be.

I do think prolifers greatly overestimate how much a woman, especially a young woman with few resources, understands abortion as murder in the earlier stages. Meaning, saying ‘don’t murder your baby!’ will be less effective than saying ‘I understand how overwhelming this is and you feel desperate and hopeless. Your baby is worthy of life, and things will be hard, but they will improve and I will help you every step of the way’. Of course, then one must help her, especially after the baby is (hopefully) born.
I think winning the battle (convincing a woman to have her baby) would be made much easier if the soldier on the ground (pregnant woman) was shown a solid battle plan and knew reinforcements were in place. But I’m more of a problem solver type–you have a dilemma, let’s find solutions. Not, you have a dilemma, I’m going to try to talk you out of it with moral arguments.
Battle plan? From what I understand, there are a lot of crisis pregnancy centers that are helping with that.
So…you’re not Catholic. Not sure why you would frequent this site then. You obviously aren’t open to learning about Catholicism. So is it your goal to try to discredit it?
I have been here for years and years. I am interested in why people belief and in the details of that belief. So yes I am open to learning about Catholicism. People like me are, like Catholics, invited to take part in CAF. I do not try to discredit Catholic belief but do try to question the belief very closely. Some people here find it useful or even enjoyable to see others respond to my points. Others, I acknowledge, just wish I would go away because they prefer not to talk to people here who are not Catholics. I take a similar approach on atheist sites I hang out in and people there get really annoyed with me insisting they stick to facts when discussing religion.
Really? You’re here to learn about Catholicism? That’s not what I see. I see you arguing against basic Catholic beliefs.
I personally think that non-Catholics may certainly be here, and learn and contribute, but there are a few who are constantly bogging down the discussion and sidetracking finer points of discussion into arguments about very elementary Catholic teaching.
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Where I live ‘intent’ is an inherent component of a charge of ‘murder’.
This is a law of the world. As Christians, especially Catholics, we are called to obey worldly laws until they conflict with God’s law.
I am not a believer.
I’m aware of that. I was referring to another poster who IS Catholic.

What this goes back to is whether someone who accompanies and supports a woman during an abortion is complicit in the abortion. Complicit in breaking a law of God—not the world. That’s the topic of this thread.
I do think prolifers greatly overestimate how much a woman, especially a young woman with few resources, understands abortion as murder in the earlier stages.
As I said in an earlier post, that’s because no one calls it that. If they did call it that, maybe women would understand it. And would therefore not see it as a viable “choice.”
saying ‘I understand how overwhelming this is and you feel desperate and hopeless. Your baby is worthy of life, and things will be hard, but they will improve and I will help you every step of the way’. Of course, then one must help her, especially after the baby is (hopefully) born.
This is the way to do it. I’m not advocating that pro-life people stand outside abortion clinics and call women murderers as they walk in the door. I’m referring to the overall “dressing up” language that pro-choice people use to minimize the evil of abortion. Calling the baby “products of conception” rather than a baby. Calling it “terminating a pregnancy” rather than “ending the life of a child.” If people called it what it is, they wouldn’t be able to justify it.
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So serial killers don’t believe their actions are murder?
I’m on your side of the debate here, but this isn’t a fair comparison. Women who have abortions probably don’t think their actions are murder, but that’s because the pro-abortion movement use selective language to minimize the evil of it.

The point is that whether or not the woman sees it as murder, it IS the taking of innocent life and therefore gravely evil.
So serial killers don’t believe their actions are murder?
I don’t know. But I don’t think many women who have abortions see their actions that way. And interestingly most posters on CAF, and the Church in most countries, has does not seek to have women who have abortions treated as murderers and prosecuted. Typically, most posters here and most Church leaderships seek to have those who provide abortions to be criminalised.
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