What is your stand on this dilemma?

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I know. But does that justify the presence? Priests visiting the terminally ill do not, in my experience, wait for the moment of death.
Would the priest willingly bring the victim and make it easier for the executioner?
From what I have seen, priests typically accompany the person to be killed, providing comfort, and so make it easier for, and on, the executioner.
Complicit for sure.

Not to mention, I couldn’t stand to be even inside one of those clinics. Knowing something so dark is happening right beyond the wall or doorway or whatever…too close to evil, in my mind.
Would the priest willingly bring the victim and make it easier for the executioner?
Chaplains do not “bring” the individual to be executed; but they do accompany them. The prison guards bring the individual to the execution chamber.
Would the priest willingly bring the victim and make it easier for the executioner?
Chaplains do not “bring” the individual to be executed; but they do accompany them. The prison guards bring the individual to the execution chamber.
Right, so it’s different from a friend bringing a baby to the place where the baby will be executed.
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But I understand the Church believes none deserve death.
We do?

[Romans 1]
{1:32} And these, though they had known the justice of God, did not understand that those who act in such a manner are deserving of death, and not only those who do these things, but also those who consent to what is done.
[Matthew 18]
{18:6} But whoever will have led astray one of these little ones, who trust in me, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck, and to be submerged in the depths of the sea.
There would be no way I could do that. It’s just a bridge too far.

As a later-middle-aged male, I have no female friend or relative through whose acquaintance this would ever be an issue for me, but theoretically, if I did, they would be on their own. That may sound cold, but it’s not nearly as cold as killing the baby.
From the CCC: 1868: Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for th sins committed by others when we cooperate in them: … – by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so; …

The question is one for people who have more training in moral theology than most people herein. An argument can be made that driving the individual to the abortuarium is cooperating in the abortion. Accompanying them can also be argued as not cooperating in obtaining the abortion - particularly if one is not driving them there.

There may well be scenarios where one could hinder the person and does not. However, in many circumstances, there is no ability to hinder, so that is not an issue.

Personally, I would not accompany; nor would I shun.
I’m not catholic but I am anti abortion. After trying everything possible to dissuade her from having an abortion, if I’m the only person to accompany her, I would. As much as I hate abortion, I couldn’t leave her without someone being there. She’s going to an emotional wreck and I just couldn’t imagine her having to take an Uber home. I would also stay to help her recover. As wrong as her decision may be in my eyes, I just couldn’t be that cruel. My opinion on her getting an abortion is known by her. I’m not supporting the abortion, I’m supporting her.
God does Send each of us Grace (Blessing Inspirations Favor) to resolutely share building a culture of Life for Children and everyone else.
It is true that fathers & mothers are not aware in many instances of the horrors of child killing.
And it is true that many times only some family, friends, or others actually go to the child killing facility.
The God Sent Imperative to share Testimonials in Prayer, Words, & Words certainly is a priority today, as it has been for a very long time.
We must understand, the seemingly logical emotionally centered justifications in sucrose rhetorical speech has been around for tens of decades.
Over these decades both overt involvement and complacency Impartially Known Only To God in each of our particular lives on Earth is being addressed in God Sent Resoluteness for all of this time.
For example, raising awareness of Personhood U.S.A., Heartbeat International, along side CoWorkers for Life Good Counsel Homes. And it is also a God Sent Moral imperative to make sure a government of the families, by the families, for the families only consents to those in every single branch of government to be family members who strongly by word and deed to carry out the Creeds of this God Given Land we call these United States of America. A special note that the judiciaries get filled for decades at a time quite often by those adhering to adjudicate policies. (Slavery and injustices like segregation took way to long in this regard.)
So God Sent For God’s Impartial God’s Sent Goodness Justice Joined with way more than human, however, God’s Sent Complete Well Being Peace with God’s Sent non enabling a culture of death Resolute Compassion for Life Protection Testimony is a must for every single human being.
As, like anyone, the time God Provides this Gentleman is limited by Cheerful Giving Obligations, and there are many, many, many searchable resources available; this is the response given by the request offered, I have given.
warm ‘hearth’ felt wonderful day or evening or night be with you and the family God gave.
I was asked once by a coworker to drive him to have a vasectomy. I wouldn’t do it for the same reasons that many expressed here. I gave him a pamphlet outlining the moral and physical dangers of having the procedure, but he got someone else to take him.
But I understand the Church believes none deserve death.
Umm… not quite. The correct take on it – which has been evolving over time, given that the context is a prudential judgement about how best to deal with crimes, punishment, and mercy – would be “the Church believes that, at the present, capital punishment is untenable.”

Take away the supports of modern society, and the system of ‘justice’ it provides, and put us in a “Mad Max” style apocalyptic society? Well… watch how that changes things… 😉
Right, so it’s different from a friend bringing a baby to the place where the baby will be executed.
See my later comment (I think it is post 29).

I don’t like hypotheticals.
Take away the supports of modern society, and the system of ‘justice’ it provides, and put us in a “Mad Max” style apocalyptic society? Well… watch how that changes things… 😉
I think I’d quite like a TV series about the Church in the Mad Max world. Gun-nuns, lots of 'em.

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This would be a horrible situation to be in - I would want to be with my daughter, but to know I would be losing a grandchild…I can’t imagine.
My daughter would not be welcome in my home if she murdered my grandchild.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. It would be difficult, but forgiveness would be necessary.
In my case I would pray for her to repent. That’s as far as I could go.
I cannot find one place in Scripture or the Catechism where we are commanded to desert a friend, or even a stranger, when they are in crisis. I can see love your enemies, do good for those who do evil.
I cannot find one place in Scripture or the Catechism where we are commanded to desert a friend, or even a stranger, when they are in crisis. I can see love your enemies, do good for those who do evil.
“Charles Manson, I am your friend, I won’t desert you! I love you and I will accompany you as you kill people! You’re obviously in crisis and need your friends now more than ever!”
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If my friend called me and told me they killed someone, I would ask if I can come over and talk to them.

Abortion is legal in the US, so, the parallel with Charles Manson breaks down. (who, BTW, convinced other people to commit crimes for him, he never killed anyone himself)
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