What issues keep the SSPX irregular?

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And about their churches, as far as I know they build most of them.
Not so in Pittsburgh. The SSPX is right now in a building previously occupied by a diocese owned Catholic Church, and they used to be in an old re-purposed Serbian Orthodox church on the South Side back in the 1990’s.
As I said, most of them, not all of them.
As far as I remember the story they bought a church that the diocese of Pittsburgh had sold to a man that transformed the building into an gallery, and if I’m not wrong, the diocese wasn’t pleased to know this.
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I’m not wrong, the diocese wasn’t pleased to know this.
No, they were not happy one little bit. But at that point in time, there really wasn’t anything they could do about it.

I think the diocese really didn’t appreciate the fact that the SSPX uses the “St. James” name for their chapel, which was the name the building was known as when it was a diocesan facility.
Once they sell it they can’t have any issue with what they call it.
I remember some years back there was a small mission Church in my area that closed and the Church sold it to Freemasons and many people were outraged as it was turned into a Masonic Lodge. But the priest made it clear there is a ceremony where the building is no longer a house of the Church thus it is not to be taken as a church being infiltrated by Freemasonry or anything like that.
Point is, they didn’t have to sell it to the SSPX. When they did they probably did the ceremony revoking it as a house of God. But once the SSPX owns it they can do whatever they want.
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My diocese has closed about 130 parishes over 30 years. They sold one building to an Orthodox Church, which then flipped it to SSPX. Because of structure problems sspx sold to the Baptists, and moved into a former Methodist Church.
If it were up to me, the diocese should allow them to buy one of the many historic buildings available now, or sadly in the near future. But make a condition they not use any name previously used for that church.
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Well, that was the name used for quite some time, so… And as far as I know the Pittsburgh diocese don’t hold the copyright of St. James.
Also, the same bishop that was against the SSPX acquiring the building and was advising Catholics not to go there, was the same one that preached in a Protestant event.
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is it true that sspx accepts abortion? i tried to google the question; the answer is not crystal clear to me…
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one of the posters in this thread said that sspx accepts abortion

i am in learning mode…
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Others also say that they’re sedevacantists.
Some people like to vilify the SSPX, and they don’t have any problem in creating a bunch of weird stories and tales.
Absolutely not. If anything the SSPX teaches exactly what the Church taught prior to the Second Vatican Council. Abortion was never permitted. If anything they are more strict about it.
I don’t think some people who attend SSPX Masses realize they are irregular. I was talking to a few and they were asking If I’d been to a Latin Mass before. I told them I’ve been to a parish Latin Mass and they looked puzzled as though they didn’t understand that the SSPX church was not part of a parish or at least any different than a parish church… It’s the first time I met them so I didn’t want to start questioning them about it. Any advice on how to approach this? I felt kind of bad for them for not realizing the church they attend is not in full communion.
Any advice on how to approach this? I felt kind of bad for them for not realizing the church they attend is not in full communion.
Ask them to look on their diocesan website to see if their parish is on the list there, and what they think that implies if they’re not on there. Does the bishop really have nothing better to do than not list them if they have a Mass that is in communion with him just because it’s the TLM? Especially if FSSP and ICKSP parishes are listed, or ones that offer the TLM by a diocesan priest.
If they attend the SSPX most probably they know the whole story, they know the bishops, and so on. I don’t recall finding such “lost” people in the chapel I go.
Next time just ask them about it, we don’t bite.
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I didn’t receive because I’m not sure if it’s licit or valid and haven’t been able to find a clear answer here or elsewhere on the Internet. So I’m not sure if I’ll be going back. There’s a Parish Latin Mass not far from me that I can attend. I really enjoyed the solemnity and reverence of the SSPX though… Nobody talking in church before mass, when babies start crying right away the parent would get up and take them to a quiet area.
They take the babies outside?
Where I go they usually stay where they are, and the kids keep screaming until they finally take them out.
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