Again I ask you :
Is Satan allowed into Heaven? Would you save Satan?
If God can MAKE Satan good, why doesn’t He?
God bless you Abucs and God bless every readers of the CAF.
Abucs if you study the Book of Jonah
you might learn how far God’s mercy goes.
The Ninevites where probably the most wicked sinners in the whole world,
their wickedness went up to God.
Jonah 3:4; Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, "
Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.
As you see above Abucs,
God promised distraction and hell to all Ninevites.
Let’s see God’s mercy in action and His Universal Salvation:
Jonah 4:11; And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who
cannot tell their right hand from their left, and also many animals?
So, what God’s Mercy will do with the rest of the human race we just have to wait and see.
If I’m God I would
save every creatures of the Universe, I would make them
perfectly good and obedient.
In heaven we will have
absolute free will, because our will, will be in 100 % line with the will of God.
In the same way as above, every creatures would have absolute free will.
Your second question Abucs:
If God can MAKE Satan good, why doesn’t He?
My answer is:
We just have to wait and we will see how far God’s mercy goes.
God created the Universe, He has the
Duty of Care to care for it and to make it
God bless you Abucs and God bless every readers of the CAF.