What kind of a world would you create, if you had the power?

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So, sometimes we choose to reject actual grace etc., but the rejection of this kind of graces does not prevent us from to end up in Heaven, but negatively effects our glory and positions is Heaven.
This is your view, not Catholic teaching.
So Abuch you are claiming you never commit a sin of omission, or any kind of other sin.

When we commit sins of omissions which is quite common or any kinds of sins we are all rejecting the graces of God.
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When we commit sins of omissions which is quite common or any kinds of sins we are all rejecting the graces of God.
ok so we agree that we have the freedom to reject the graces of God if we so choose.

You are simply adding your belief that if we completely reject the graces of God that we will still end up in Heaven.
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Again I ask you :
Is Satan allowed into Heaven? Would you save Satan?
If God can MAKE Satan good, why doesn’t He?
God bless you Abucs and God bless every readers of the CAF.
Abucs if you study the Book of Jonah you might learn how far God’s mercy goes.
The Ninevites where probably the most wicked sinners in the whole world, their wickedness went up to God.

Jonah 3:4; Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.

As you see above Abucs, God promised distraction and hell to all Ninevites.
Let’s see God’s mercy in action and His Universal Salvation:

Jonah 4:11; And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and also many animals?

So, what God’s Mercy will do with the rest of the human race we just have to wait and see.


If I’m God I would save every creatures of the Universe, I would make them perfectly good and obedient.

In heaven we will have absolute free will, because our will, will be in 100 % line with the will of God.

In the same way as above, every creatures would have absolute free will.

Your second question Abucs:
If God can MAKE Satan good, why doesn’t He?
My answer is:
We just have to wait and we will see how far God’s mercy goes.
God created the Universe, He has the Duty of Care to care for it and to make it PERFECT.

God bless you Abucs and God bless every readers of the CAF.

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I don’t need to study the book of Job to discover the mercy of God.

The incarnation of God as Jesus teaches God’s mercy in a way that leaves one awestruck.

I agree with you that to know the limits of God’s mercy we just will have to wait and see. This is partly what I mean by ‘the mechanics of Heaven’. We will have to wait and see although prayer may also guide us.

I agree that in Heaven our wills be aligned to God but I believe that is largely because we have chosen this in our time here on earth where we do get to choose such things.
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I don’t need to study the book of Job to discover the mercy of God.

The incarnation of God as Jesus teaches God’s mercy in a way that leaves one awestruck.

I agree that in Heaven our wills be aligned to God but I believe that is largely because we have chosen this in our time here on earth where we do get to choose such things.
If we could choose it in our tome right now, we could manage not to commit even one act of sin.
Since you are attempting to criticize God’s work, you should consider resolving the greater questions of “if you were the Creator of everything, what would be your greatest creation and what are the logical means necessary to fulfill your greatest creation?” In doing so, you will find the Catholic Church has been sharing the fullness of truth all along!
Well, IF I were God, - being totally self-sufficient, I would not create anything. “God alone” is greater than “God + the world”, so any action would lead “downhill”. The usual objection that God created out of love - is nonsense. You cannot do anything for those who do not exist. But if you insist, then I would create all the “lower beings” directly into heaven, and bestow the Beatific Vision on them. After all this is the “best thing since sliced bread”, as the saying goes.
You cannot do anything for those who do not exist. But if you insist, then I would create all the “lower beings” directly into heaven, and bestow the Beatific Vision on them. After all this is the “best thing since sliced bread”, as the saying goes.
Would we get sliced bread in addition to the Beatific vision? 🙂
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Well, IF I were God, - being totally self-sufficient, I would not create anything.

But if you insist…
Feel free to disregard any feeling of insistence. If you currently believe as potential Creator of everything, there is no such thing as the greatest creation, that is seemingly a possibility. I have heard others with similar beliefs. However, you are mistaken. Logically, as Creator of everything, there is a greatest creation possible, namely other beings equal in capability and morality to you. In other words, by nature of being the only thing to exist, you are also the greatest thing to exist. Therefore, the greatest creation possible would be the creation of other things equal in essence to you.
…then I would create all the “lower beings” directly into heaven, and bestow the Beatific Vision on them.
Because your idea of the greatest creation possible, creating lower beings, is not the greatest creation possible, your critiques of God’s Work are ignorant.
What kind of world would YOU create?
The world would quite literally be a giant doughnut. We would exist on it’s surface. And some of us would ask where did the doughnut come from? Some people would try to reduce existence to the nature of the doughnut and build conceptual models about how that would be true. Others would argue that existence is more than just the doughnut.

A religious group is formed and they claim that a gigantic mouth transcending the nature of the doughnut will eat the doughnut and we will all be one with the mouth forever and ever.

Skeptics claim that this is probably just silly superstition, but remain agnostic about the possibility.
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